Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It's been a good name for me. Not too common, but not too weird either. Although was difficult a bit in 2nd grade when he was elected president. I think it's different knowing I had my name before he became famous. Although in high school was difficult with my short-lived girlfriend named Monica. Also older people always got confused that it was my first name and not my last name. A lot of Dr. Offices and such get my last and first names mixed up on paperwork.
My brother's name is Clinton. We call him Clint most of the time, but I've always thought his name sounded very nice. It has a kind of sophisticated quality to it without being too posh sounding. My brother is a very casual and spontaneous individual, but the name seems to fit him just fine. It's also not an over-used name so that makes it more memorable. As far as surnames adopted into first names go, it sounds more natural as a first name than those ending in the suffix -son.
Guys this is a surname, but it’s a first name version of Clinton on the First Name Website, in case you ever want to use Clinton as a first name. Just like Jackson, Hunter, Smith, Harrison, but not Morrison :( since Morrison is actually an uncommon first name. Clinton is an okay first name, although it does sound better as a surname, I’ll admit. But nobody can control their surname. And Hillary Clinton didn’t illegalize this name.
Horrible name, Hillary Clinton makes it even worse, 1000 times worse. So does Bill.
Not even with its association (Hilary and Bill Clinton). I'm very glad to see this name off of the charts. Clinton is a very ugly name in my opinion and makes a much more suitable last name. I don't understand the appeal of naming a child this. Never have and never will.
Although I do immediately think of Bill Clinton, I don't consider that such a terrible situation. It's better than Reagan, at least.
Much too 'surnamey'. Any name containing "Clint" in it (including Clint itself) I avoid. And yeah, Bill & Hillary Clinton. Yuck!
I don't like this name. It makes me think of Bill and Hillary Clinton, and they have ruined the name for me.
I would like this name better if it weren't for Bill Clinton. Ew.
I don't like this much as a first name, but the guy can go by the somewhat less snobby and pretentious and more youthful and fun Clint, which doesn't sound utterly immature. However, Clint sounds a bit old-fashioned as well.
WHY are people starting to give their children surnames?! I mean, come on, CLINTON. If you name your child that, be warned, your child WILL be teased. I mean, don't get me wrong, Clinton's a cool name, but the first thing anyone will think of is Ex-president Bill Clinton.
To bad about Bill Clinton. I loved this name before he came along. I still like it but now I can't use it because people will immediately think of Billy Boy.

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