Comments (Meaning / History Only)

Here's a meaning no one ever thought the Bible, God made Lucifer, the angel of light, chief over all angels, to cover His throne. Lucifer was made perfect in beauty, his voice was like beautiful music, he was perfect in every way, till iniquity (sin) was found in him, pride. He thought he was better than his Creator. So he was cast out of heaven with 1/3 of the angels who followed him. His name was changed to Satan,the accuser. But Cindy, from Lucinda, from Lucifer, does mean light, light bearer, and surprise! Bet you didn't know Satan started out nice.
Cindy can come from Lucinda, a Latin name that means "light". [noted -ed]
My name is Cindy. In my name book its origin is Greek and the Christian meaning is reflecting Jesus' light, being the Light of the world, like Jesus mentioned in the New Testament.
Cindy can also be short for Lucinda.
Fist of all Cindy is not related to Cynthia. Sindy is a common usage of the name Cindy in Great Britain. The name really does not have a relation with the name Cynthia. It is common error given by Cynthias who prefer to be called Cindy. The name Cindy it comes from the word "Cinder" wich means ashes. An example of this application is Cindyrella, called that way because she was used to be filled with ash for sleeping by the fireplace. Therefore Cindy, I like to say means "who comes from the ashes".
I used to know a Lucinda who used Cindy as a nickname instead of Lucy, which would not have suited her.

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