Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It reminds me of both Sicily and the perennial sweet Cicely plant which has leaves that look a bit like those of the fern plant, tiny white clusters of flowers and a sweet anise flavour.
Lovely. I prefer this over Cecily.
Cicely is a lovely Victorian name, but it can easily be confused for Cecilia or Cecily. Sweet Cicely is a herb which tastes similar to anise.
I prefer the pronunciation of Cicely over that of Cecily.
I love this name, mostly because of Cicely Mary Barker's work on the Flower Fairies, and it has a very elegant sound. I hope it becomes popular eventually, and everyone will go back to the good old days, when daughters were given REAL girls names, instead of all these Madisons and Jordans.
I think Cicely is visually prettier than Cecily, but it sounds exactly like the island, and it reminds me of Cicero, AND there's a clothing company called Sisley. How unfortunate.
I much prefer Cecily. Cicely reminds me too much of Sicily, where my ancestors came from. :-)
This name is growing on me, however it may be mistaken for Cecily quite often if used on a child today.

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