My name is Christina, and I love it…… my family and some of my friends call me Stino. I was name after my auntie (mum's side) and a great auntie (dad's side) my dad calls me Cur-stack it’s Scottish Gaelic (although I’m sure I’ve spelt it very wrong) my mum always said Christina means “flower of Christ”.
Christina. A name with etymological roots connected to Ancient Greek and Hebrew. 'The anointed one', 'The Messiah', To dedicate oneself to God. Etc. -ina is a Latin suffix meaning belonging to.In Old English Tyne/Tyna/Tina meant river.I would describe myself as agnostic however I do have a soft spot for Christina.
― Anonymous User 6/27/2022
I don't know from where this version is, but I noticed that the (Swedish?) version Kirsten, is not included, though I know for sure it's supposed to.