Comments (Pronunciation Only)

The English /ˈkɹɪʃ.t͡ʃən/ pronunciation is not phonemic; it should be deleted.
Spanish pronunciation: KREES-tyan (the same as Cristian).
Christian is my last name. People pronounce it different all the time. It's really (chrish-chen) like in the bible, but there's some people who pronounce it as (christy-anne). It's been happening for so many years that I don't even bother correcting people anymore. Say it how they want.
The German pronunciation of the name Christian is KRIS-tyahn.
The only person I've known named Christian was a girl from Germany, but she pronounces it "KRIS-tee-ahn". To me, that's a better pronouciation than "KRIS-chen".
Listen to the German pronunciation of Christian here:

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