Comments (Usage Only)

My name is "Cheyanne". When everyone goes to write it down they spell it "Shyanne", lots of people also can't say it right even after I tell them a million times, it does get annoying but I like it because it is unique... but I probably would prefer a more common name.
As a Mohegan woman married to a Cheyenne man, I found it odd that people stated that others could not pronounce Cheyenne. To me that is just basic geography and history. I find Cheyenne to be a beautiful female name. My husband doesn't think his tribal name is suitable for a name. We both agree, however, that it should only be spelled in its original form Cheyenne, as misspellings seem disrespectful to both of us. We also agree that it sounds good as a female name but not as a masculine name.
It would have never occured to me that Cheyenne was both feminine and masculine. Though it makes sense since it's a name of an Indian Tribe.

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