Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Beautiful, I'd love to name my daughter this one day.
I don’t think I’d ever use it but it’s pretty. It makes me think of Cher Horowitz and the singer.
It's a strong, bold name. Personally, I love the singer/ actress and I think she's a great namesake.
This kinda sounds like the words "chair" and "share". It also looks incomplete. I don't care much about the association with the singer, though.
Born in the 70s in the West Indies, I was blessed with a ten 10! letter first name whose root is Cher. My mom was a rabid fan of Sonny and Cher and decided to bestow her first born daughter with the name.
In our culture, mothers are often uniquely creative in the naming of their children, and so I’ve since been the sole owner of my first name. I’ve googled it. No other person on the planet bears it beside me!
As a very young child I was not terribly excited to be named after a musician who wore bell bottomed pants and was married to a man looking like that! Instead I opted to be called by my middle name which sounded a little less ethnic, enjoying my family given moniker of ‘Sandy’ as its nickname.
It was not until the pubescent angst inspired quest to make sense of this name drove me to seek its root meaning. I was simply ecstatic when I discovered its meaning. Beloved! Dear!
I’ve never looked back. Despite many person’s struggle to properly pronounce my name, whenever it is called properly, it’s the most beautiful sound in the world because of its meaning. I’ve come to realize that I was CHER-ished from the start of life!
Anyone blessed enough to have been given this name should do as my mother did. She kept the phonetic proununciation with the emphasis on CHER. Which is to say, focus on the meaning... not the namesake.
I absolutely love the root CHER of my first name!
That’s why I haven’t disclosed it. No one, and I do mean no one else can have it!
That speaks to the power of one whose name is BELOVED.
My name is Cher. I wasn't however named after the singer, I was named after my mum who is called Cheryl. I love my name and I love how unique it is. I have had no problems with it and I love it very much :)
This name will probably be associated with the singer for a significant amount of time. I wouldn't recommend it on a real child, especially as a legal name. I don't find anything wrong with Cher, but when a famous person is known by only one name, that name becomes associated with them.
It sounds very incomplete, and it would immediately bring to mind the ghastly singer Cher and her hideous music.

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