Terrible terrible name for all the reasons stated below and more. If you want a virtue name, Charity is much better and doesn't forever link your child to sex. If you just like the sound of it and don't care about meaning, Cassidy is also a much better option and has the perk of being a unisex name.
― Anonymous User 8/15/2024
Of all the words, of all the concepts, why Chastity? The name forever ties the bearer to the concept of refraining from sexual activity, which is undoubtedly a strange thing for parents to push onto their child from birth. It sounds nice, but the meaning is a strange choice. Use Charity instead, the meaning is nicer.
"...This name doesn't mean to never have sex, rather to remain sexually moral. Not wanting your daughter to lose her virginity at 14 isn't misogynistic in the slightest, since I highly doubt anyone would want their son to lose his virginity at 14, either..." Okay sure, but why on earth would you name your child after a word so immediately associated with sex anyway? It hardly matters how non-misogynistic the *concept* is, that's inherently weird and uncomfortable.
It's honestly kind of sad how a lot of the positive comments are getting downvoted and how ignorant some of these comments are. This name doesn't mean to never have sex, rather to remain sexually moral. Not wanting your daughter to lose her virginity at 14 isn't misogynistic in the slightest, since I highly doubt anyone would want their son to lose his virginity at 14, either. If someone named their child Celibacy, on the other hand...
― Anonymous User 10/21/2021
I actually think Chastity is a really pretty name. I don't think I'd ever use it, but it definitely doesn't deserve all the hate it's gotten on this site.
― Anonymous User 9/5/2021
I’m sorry, this name will be teased a lot and every time I hear it I laugh.
I’ll try my hardest not to be as repetitive as the other comments and just say this is a horrible name for a daughter to have. It’s misogynistic, weird, and if anything quite tacky. I would recommend Agnes, Ines, or a name meaning “pure” or something among those lines if you really like names like that much. It’s a lot less obvious at least. Not to mention it has to word “tity” in it so, eh. Being “pure” isn’t exactly a bad thing. There’s a lot more to being pure than just sexually. But at the end of the day a name does not define a person.
Some people regard virtue names as being inherently sexist, given that they are nearly always given to females and not males. I'm not necessarily going to agree or disagree with that assertion, since that's a whole separate discussion... but I do feel the need to point out that Chastity is perhaps the most sexist - the most *misogynistic* - thing you could name your daughter.Chastity isn't merely Modesty (also a "virtue name," but one I've never heard in real life). It doesn't simply refer to decorum - it means "purity" in the sense that someone is sexually untouched, usually used in reference to virginity or celibacy rather than simple abstinence. At least one poster commented that the application of the name Chastity is usually "ironic," but let's say, for argument's sake, that a young woman named Chastity "follows the rules." She doesn't sneak out at night or cause her parents any grief. She signs an abstinence pledge and attends a "purity ball" (those things are also incredibly creepy, but that's a separate topic), and she actually abstains from sexual intercourse until she marries a nice young man with a promising job.Well... they're married now. She doesn't have to be "chaste" anymore - but that doesn't mean the message hasn't already been drilled into her head by regressive abstinence-only education that sex turns women into pieces of tape that have lost their stickiness, or chewed-up pieces of bubblegum. So there are those psychological hurdles to overcome. And then, let's say Chastity and her husband eventually have a baby. She's definitely not "chaste" anymore, because she's a Mama / Mommy.Are mothers "unchaste" and "impure" now?Chastity is a sexist name for an antiquated concept. Please don't curse your daughters with it.
I think Chastity is an awful name to have, if it has to do with sex because that’s what it said when I looked the name up. I have sorrow for those who already have that name.
― Anonymous User 1/6/2019
My name used to be Chastity and I hated it. It's ugly and disgusting. That's why I changed my name.
― Anonymous User 12/2/2018
I am 45 and my name is Chastity. Obviously I had no say so in the choosing of my name. My grandmother did name me after Chastity Bono. A name doesn't define you. I have never been bullied or teased about my name. Now that I am older, when I introduce myself (I am a nurse) and say my name is Chastity, most of the elders say "now that's an odd name". I grew up being called Chas and still do. Those that dare will call me Chaz, lol.
― Anonymous User 9/13/2018
Virtue names are magnificent! There are so many of them for both boys and girls that have been used throughout history. Chastity is a lovely name as is Grace, Honor, Faith, Hope, Verity, etc. For boys there is Justice, Chase, Earnest, Reason, Noble, Valiant, Will, August, etc. Beautiful strong meaningful names!
― Anonymous User 9/8/2018
My goodness such vitriol over a group of names. I happen to be the Anonymous person who made the comment about the beauty, character and depth of meaning of Virtue names and listed several (from 9/8/18). I stand by my comments. The list of Virtue names I have was printed almost 100 years ago. So yes, it is old. However, I am not and I still enjoy those names. And the names of Will (as in strong of will) and Chase or actually Chasen are really on the list.
Puritanical and just horribly dated. I can't stand any of the "virtue" names. Serious question: why are there no MALE virtue names? It wouldn't be admirable for men to be Charitable? Hopeful? Patient? Prudent? Or even (gasp) CHASTE? That's why names like this are puritanical to me, they seem to put a lofty expectation on the female bearer, and of course there are no male equivalents. Just like how in those days -and sometimes even in modern times- males are held to one standard and women another. No thanks.
― Anonymous User 9/4/2018
I can’t get over the fact this name has “Tity” in it.
My name is Chastity, I was born in the early 80s yes I was made fun of in school yes that made me a stronger person. I didn't tolerate or put up with people bullying me over my name. Did my parents expect me to be chaste? Of course, what parent wouldn't, no matter what they name their child. I love my name how a child named Chastity feels about her name will depend on if she's told her whole life she's meant to be a virgin her whole life because of what her parents chose to name her. Why do people have such a problem with this name, that would be like naming your child patience and expecting them to have patience.
Honestly, I don't like the name Chastity. I feel like the consonants are too close to each other, and I feel bad for girls who didn't live up to their name. Even then, naming your daughter Chastity is not the same as naming your daughter Virginity. That would be mockery to the extreme. But being chaste isn't just about you know-what. It's about self-restraint, simplicity, and pure intentions. If you purposely have kids, your intent isn't bad. If you wait until marriage, or a serious relationship to lose your virginity, your intent isn't bad. But, because the word is barely ever used in a wider sense that doesn't annoy people, I could never use this name. It's never going to stop being associated with virginity, no matter how many of you are told. No matter how your grandfather uses it, in this modern age, it will only be associated with sex. I don't dislike the wider meaning, but its most common relation is far beyond ridiculous. For people who were born with this name, please do not assume that your parents didn't want you having sex at all. Even though I share mild dislike for your name with most of the population, I do not dislike you as a person, I will not make any assumptions about you, and I don't think the ACTUAL meaning is bad. Just do your thing, and ignore the part of the world that's only thinking about sexuality. Sadly, that's most of the world. -Peace.
I hate this name. I like Patience, Constance and Temperance only for value names. Plus, it reminds me of Chastity objects. This sounds like it is saying you want her to be a pure virgin.
Well my real name is Chastity, and despite all the nasty things people say about the name, it still is beautiful no matter what. As we are told at a young age we cannot judge a book by its cover, like you can't judge a person by their name.
I cannot stand this name. The sound and visual look of it is beyond horrible, the meaning is laughably bad and embarrassing and it will always be associated with "Chaz Bono" (Yuck and barf!) Chasitity is a very gag-worthy name.
― Anonymous User 3/15/2017
Aside from just not being very pretty, I hate the very meaning of the word. It feels too much like the parents value their daughter's virginity than they do her, lest she "ruin the family name" by having sex when SHE wants to instead of when THEY want her to. I could rant for hours about this subject, but I'll shorten it: the name doesn't look or sound nice, and the meaning is outdated and misogynistic. Go with Charity, Clarity, or Chelsea instead; I don't particularly like those names either, but they're still miles better than Chastity.
A lot of people seem mistaken by the meaning of the word "Chastity," and thus the name, too. Chastity shouldn't be confused with celibacy. Even a married woman who has sex 5 times a day is chaste so long as she's fidel to her husband. Chastity is just a reference to sexual discipline, fidelity, and morality; it's celibacy that "nuns" practice.I think Chastity is a fine name for anybody who means to raise an intelligent, virtuous, and moral daughter. Don't listen to those who hate traditional female sexuality and say otherwise - it's not likely you'll be associating with those people in real life, anyhow. I for one mean to name my next daughter Chastity.And as for those who think, "what if my daughter Chastity runs away and becomes a prostitute?!" If you seriously believe there's a risk of this happening to your daughter, then you probably should reconsider whether you're fit to become a parent to begin with, because you obviously have no grasp of how to provide a stable upbringing.
Okay guys, do you seriously not see the word Chaste in this name? Don't get me wrong, it's a cool name but that's basically putting a chaste burden on a child.
Honestly, the people saying the name Chasaty, Chastity, Chasity is a cruel joke don't understand. I love my name. I think it's beautiful. My parents wanted me to grow up to be a pure young woman. And no that doesn't mean sexually. They wanted me to be good. Even with my name, I didn't lose my virginity or was sexually active until I was married. Surprised? I'm not. I was never made fun of because of my name, and I'm proud of my name. Saying my name is a disgrace and stupid and a stripper name? It may be. But Angela, Katie, Alley could all be stripper names also. Somewhere someone is using your name. They just put more focus on Chastity because its meaning is pure. And people like to assume that means sex. No, when I was named, my parents didn't want me to be a nun. That's just ignorant. I'm sorry for getting so offensive but I think it's very rude and uncalled for. You say you feel sorry because the name gets made fun of? Not really. Some people maybe, but it just depends who you are. And the only people who're making fun of the name are on this page. Thanks to the people saying good stuff about the name :)
I actually love the sound of the name Chastity; it sounds so beautiful. Since I love the name Virginia I guess it's not a surprise that I adore this name. The name Chastity does not sound like a stripper name to me at all.
― Anonymous User 3/24/2015
I like this name quite a bit. Naming your daughter Chastity is no different than naming her Virginia.
― Anonymous User 4/29/2014
My name is Trinity, and I have sisters named Charity and Purity :) So I plan on continuing the 'ity' tradition by naming my daughters Chastity and Amity. I think this is a very pure name. People always say my sisters and I sound like strippers, but our names actually have very beautiful meanings. Don't judge a book by it's cover :)
― Anonymous User 2/18/2014
It sounds very pretty and the meaning is nice. I think it's a beautiful name. I like it a lot. But I don't even have to look at the comments to know most of them are negative and will say it's a "Stripper" name. Which is ridiculous, slapping "Stripper" on all the names that are word names that have been used for hundreds of years. Oh well. ~Peace. :)
― Anonymous User 10/21/2013
The name Chastity was given to 187 little girls born in the US in 2012.
I think it is a very nice-sounding name, it's not bad at all! The meaning is strange, however, and I would probably go by a nickname if I had this name.
Honestly, I think this name would fit perfectly for someone who even won't be a virgin someday as long as they remain pure in themselves. Staying sexually pure is not the only form of purity. You could be giving, helpful, and kind to others and this name would still fit you. I think this is a beautiful name and would fit any mature, kind woman.
Not to be rude to anyone out there reading this comment whose name is Chastity, but to me, naming a child like this sounds like some kind of a sick joke.
If one strips away the meaning and connotations with the word 'Chastity' the way it sounds is very beautiful.I know a woman named Chastity and she goes by Chaz.
This basically means "virginity", and it would be pretty funny if she did grow up to be a bit of a sex machine, to say it kindly. Really, with all the teenage pregnancies going on these days, it's just stupid to name a daughter this. What if she gets pregnant at an early age? What if she runs away from home and makes a living as a prostitute? It would still be weird even if she did remain a virgin until marriage, because then the hormones finally take over. What if she becomes a parent to a lot of children? This could go on and on, and I think I got my point across, so I'm just going to stop here.
I like this name and I think it sounds very pretty. I like the meaning. I wouldn't give a daughter this name, though. I would only give this name to a story character. If you like the sound of Chastity but don't want to name your daughter this, a good alternative could be Cassidy.
― Anonymous User 12/8/2009
This name sounds vulgar and low-class, and like with most Virtue names, it seems like most Chastities end up being the exact opposite of their name. It also seems creepy for parents to advertise their daughter's so-called Chastity, like it's still the era when a woman's virginity was considered the property of her father, not something she had any autonomy over. I wouldn't use the name Abstinence either, but at least that doesn't seem as creepy and low-class as Chastity!
I picture a pregnant teenager, like wanting to defy their name and get revenge on parents. No, don't name your child this, she will be pregnant by 16.
― Anonymous User 6/25/2009
Every girl I knew while growing up who had this name was to put it delicately, sexually promiscuous. I knew of at least three who were this way, no joke. To name a girl Chastity in my view is cruel, it has become synonymous with the opposite of what it's intended to be.
Like Honor, Chastity is a name mainly used by parents with the misogynist belief that their daughter should remain a virgin or she'll ruin the family name. Better tell these people the Victorian era is over and not all women are pure and chaste.
It would be quite hilarious if a girl named Chastity turned out very sexually active by age 14, or even more hilarious, a stripper or porn star. The name sounds corny and tacky, and it rather signals that the parents put too much value on the poor girl's hymen and aren't really concerned with how she herself might want to live her life.
I feel very sorry for the poor girls named Chastity, it just seems very out of date and the meaning is very unappealing to me.
― Anonymous User 2/9/2008
I imagine that Chastity would be a good name for a character in a book, but I think it would be cruel (especially nowdays) to give someone this name because she will become the butt of many a cruel joke.
I actually find this name hilarious. It is the oddest thing for me but I love this name. I would name a daughter Chastity and call her Chase, because I also have a soft spot for girls to go by some (not all) boys names. I don't actually think that I would follow through with that because it would be a bit cruel to name a girl Chastity as a joke. Still, it's great for story characters.
I'm sorry, but this name inevitably brings sexual purity to mind; unless you plan on your daughter becoming a nun, this name just will not work on any level. Unless she is meant to become a nun, she will inevitably marry (or at least become involved with somebody) and then she won't be chaste anymore; even before then, she will likely be teased endlessly for her name.
This name is like a pregnant girl wearing white on her wedding. Chastity means just that, pure and chaste. One day, your name will no longer fit you and you will most certainly get a few jokes. If you plan on your child being celibate or becoming a nun, this name is perfect.
― Anonymous User 8/5/2006
This is such a cute name! It would also be cute to name a twin boy and girl Chase and Chastity.