(Information from the website WolframAlpha in 2018) Expected total number alive today -- 117, 729 in the U.S. Expected population fraction -- 1 in 2234 people (.045%) in the U.S. Expected rank -- 443rd most common name in the U.S. [of all population, not baby names] The most common age of a woman named Charlene (in 2018) is 58 years old.
― Anonymous User 9/18/2018
The name Charlene was given to 145 girls born in the US in 2015.
Expected total number alive today -- 117, 729 in the U.S.
Expected population fraction -- 1 in 2234 people (.045%) in the U.S.
Expected rank -- 443rd most common name in the U.S. [of all population, not baby names]
The most common age of a woman named Charlene (in 2018) is 58 years old.