Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I like it, (a little insight, it always gets mispronounced).
I used to love the name Charlie when I was younger, but I don't really like it anymore. Generally, I'm fine with names ending in -leigh, but Charleigh just looks ugly to me. However, is you love Charleigh, then give it to your child. There isn't anything wrong with it. You don't have to agree with my opinion though. :)
Sorry, but I also include myself in those types of people who don't like the name Charleigh. The reason? It seems invented and not made with much creativity. A mix between Charlie (which I personally don't like either, sounds like a trucker's name to me) and Leigh, which is also in many name combinations, such as Annaleigh, Bryleigh, Marleigh, Kaleigh, etc.It also seems unnecessarily long and written with the pure intention of making it look more "exotic" and "unique", which is unfortunately very much in vogue nowadays. The name has nothing special, there are many, many better girl names and the only thing you are going to achieve is that your daughter has to spell her name all the time because no one is going to know how to spell it well.I hope this doesn't hurt anyone. I have nothing against the name, really, and if you like it, perfect. I just don't like it and I'm just stating my reasons.
Wow, thanks. I hate it. Go for Charlie or Charley at least...
I suggest Chelsea, a similar name in sound. Kind of.
Stop being anonymous.
I’m definitely gonna be the odd one out on this one, but hear me out for a quick second.I personally think Charleigh is a cute name, creative? Yes. Trendy? Yes. Ugly? Debatable. I wouldn’t really consider giving my child this name, I kinda think Charleigh is spelt like a princess, it’s a nice mixture of pretty, and creative. You can even do Charlie or Charli for a girl if you so desire. I think Charleigh is decent at most, and overall a pretty nice name. If you don’t think so, each to their own. You’re entitled to your own opinion.
Makes me wanna puke.
Ugly, just ugly.
Please don’t do this to a poor child. I would absolutely hate being stuck with this name!
I heard worse.
Am I the only one who actually likes this name spelling? Lol. Anyways, Charleigh is a nice name. You can also use Charlie, Charlee, Charli, etc.
Please, go with Charlie, Charley, or even Charlee or Charli. This isn’t good.
Ugleigh spelling.
The -leigh ending makes it look tacky and juvenile.

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