Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I'm sorry, but this is just dumb. It's like naming someone Charming or Attractive. Stupid and arrogant. Are you gonna call them Rizz for short?
In 7th grade I lied to a boy at school and told him I had a boyfriend who was 6ft tall and had abs, who went to another school. I said his name was Charisma. This boy came back to me the next day and said “my mom told me Charisma isn’t even a real name.”.
Wow, I never knew this was a name until now! I actually kind of like it, though it sounds kind of strange as a name.
I don't recommend you name your kid this. My name is Charisma and I really don't like it. It doesn't suit me at all. I'm honestly a pretty boring person and I don't have any special charms at all. If you name your kid this, it'll be awkward if they don't live up to it. Besides, charisma should just stay a word. It's plain weird as a name.
Weird name.
It is a beautiful name.
My name is Charisma, I don't go by any nicknames with this name beside Charisma, but I like the name its rare and different so I don't get hate for it. Also, just looking at the comments to see what was said about my name LOL.
Parents trying too hard to give their child a unique name. Charisma should stay as a word, not a name.
My name is Carisma, spelled without the 'H' because my mother wanted me to be different from everyone else. There are times when I feel too different to the point I feel out of place. There are times that I'm glad my name is so different from most people's. I'm 16 and I'm the only girl in my high school with my name. I like the name, but there are times when I guess I don't live up to my name (according to some of these comments). I can be outgoing at times, fun, loud, energetic, and creative, but then I can be sad, shy, hide my face from the world, and just sit in my room for days on end. I don't think that I have to live up to my name and my name for me is sometimes an oxymoron, but that doesn't mean it's not a good name. It's an odd name, not one you hear every day, three to five times a day. I personally haven't met anyone else with my name. But I'm looking forward to the day I do meet someone with my name, because then, and only then, in a world so large with many different faces and names I'd meet someone who shares my name. It's because of that one thing I look forward to that I'm so optimistic about it. :)
My name is Charisma and I love it. It's different. Most people I meet that have my name are children. I'm nearly 30. I get a lot of good attention for it I'm glad my name is rare, never had a nickname and no one tried to make fun of it cause it's different. I'd rather have my name than be named after a food like Apple or a name that's really common like Ashley, no offense just know a lot of them spelled a lot of different ways.
I love this name.
It's unusual. It fits the trend today of hipster naming. And it is a great quality to have.
That said, I am concerned about the pressure a virtue or quality name puts on a child. From being a grumpy Joy, a pessimistic Hope, or a dull Charisma. There is the risk of it becoming an oxymoron - on a real person. This could be funny, a lot of life's little ironies are titillating, or it could be a disaster.
I think it's a beautiful first or middle name!
So beautiful as a middle name. Charisma is such a cool concept and a envious trait to have. I wouldn't use it as first name, though, in case the girl grew up to be shy and uncharismatic. However, I'm not happy about the religious significance of Charisma (a "charismatic" can also be someone who belongs to a particular Christian group), but that meaning is mostly obsolete now, so it doesn't bother me. On the side note, the religious meaning stemmed from the fact that people thought Charisma was a gift (charis - grace, kindness) from God, which makes it related to the word "charity". I think that's a nice association.
I don't like this name as a first name but I think it's great as a filler middle name. :)
I think this name sounds pretty. Even if it is a name we use in every day English. Other names are taken from words and this is just the same. And why not name your daughter Charisma, hoping she would possess this trait?
I think it's a unique, beautiful, memorable choice. I personally don't care for Carrie/Charis(e), etc for nicknames, but I do like Issy/Izzy (CharISma)!
It would be just too bad if a woman named Charisma wasn't very charismatic after all. Imagine this name on a fat, ugly, grumpy woman, or a teen girl with a serious acne problem. Very awkward. I'd say the name is quite tacky, and if people decide to hate the girl, boy, is she in for life in hell for her school years with a name like this.
Carrie could be a cute nickname for Charisma.
I don't really like this name. It sounds kind of tacky to me.
It is a name and a very nice one at that.
If this is a name, they might as well name children Knowledge.

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