Charisma as defined by the Oxford English dictionary means: 1) compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others. 2) a divinely conferred power or talent. This name comes from the word Kharis, Greek, meaning 'favour and grace'. It was translated to English, brought across in 17th century from Greece/Italy by ecclesiastical Latin.
Charisma, or charism (anointing) means 'a favour specially vouchsafed by God; a grace; a talent'-divine virtue, not the superficial meaning that is given to it today closer to 'glamour', it was and still is, a Christian term for god's anointed.
1) compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.
2) a divinely conferred power or talent.
This name comes from the word Kharis, Greek, meaning 'favour and grace'.
It was translated to English, brought across in 17th century from Greece/Italy by ecclesiastical Latin.