Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I like the spelling Karis much better than Charis, beautiful name.
Quite frankly I don't really like it. I like Charisma more. However, Charis would be a good nickname for Charisma.
I’m Charis and in school I sometimes feel embarrassed because my name is not English. Also, I felt that way because I am from Hong Kong, and in my opinion it is a bit weird.
We are adopting a dog later this month and her call name is Karma. We want to change it to something that sounds a little similar and are thinking of Charis. I like the name Charis for its meaning and because it will be easy to use in changing her name. She is a 3 year old pure bred Cocker Spaniel with reddish-gold feathers, red jacket and the sweetest baby girl smushy lovey face you could ever imagine. I also would not be embarrassed by calling out "Charis!" at the dog park.
In 2006 I had a daughter at STEVENAGE Lister hospital. My partner got this name from the Greek concordance and he chose it for our daughter because she is very beautiful & special. She is my only surviving daughter & we all adore her.
I think I like the meaning more than the sound of the name. If it were my name I would pronounce it Cha-Ris, and not Ka-Ris. I feel it's not so harsh that way. Virtue names have a charm that are somewhat distinctive from others.
I read somebody's comment somewhere that said the name Charis sounds ghetto. Personally I don't know about that, maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. Maybe some people are just immature. There could be a bunch of suppositions. I think it's a nice, fine name... not my favorite, though.
Sounds elite and unordinary. It's a religious name since it means "Grace" in Greek. It has a very pleasing meaning. I have a cousin named Charis and she says she is glad to have an uncommon name and be happy with it, and who ever makes fun is just jealous or unhappy with their own name.
My sister is called Charis, said like Kah-riss. There was another girl in her year with the same spelling of name but she said it like Sha-ree so of course she got it pronounced wrong on many occasions. People also pronounced it like Cha-ris because Ch being said like a K was apparently impossible(!) There was also another girl with a spelling of Caris which, because I'm probably used to Charis, looks weird to me.
I agree with the above user. The CH can be misread when it comes to this name. Surely it's intended to be pronounced Ka-ris. If it were me, I would accept every pronunciation of this name without getting annoyed and just simply correct those who mispronounce it. You can always remove the H if it bothers you that much. Either way, it's a divine name, very nice.
So my friend's name is Charis, and everyone makes fun of her name. We call her Chris, Charisma, Carrots and also Oreo, but that's another story. I prefer the spelling Karis, because it seems so much more common.
My name is Charis, and there is also a christian rock band named Charis. The meaning is perfect. The way I characterize this name can be put in one word, special. The name comes from the word Charisma, and it should be pronounced that sort of way. It can also be pronounced kah-rees, with the emphasis on rees. Anyway is nice. Very modern for now. I hope it stays that way.
I love the name Charis (My name is Charis)! People will say it wrong or ask you to say it like three times... It means Grace in the Bible God's Grace!
This is my middle name - I used to hate it was a was younger, however I now think it is personal and special. My parents found this name in the book "An Ice-cream War" by William Boyd. They thought the name was pronounced:
Ch-ah-ris, like how it is spelt. So this is how I also pronounce my name. Even though this is probably incorrect I believe it is much nicer than KA-riss, if you want that to be your name spell it Karis!
I love the this name. I plan on naming my daughter this but spelling it Karis. It's different but not too crazy different.
I really like this name - when (and only when) pronounced CARR-iss ('CARR' like the thing you drive - rhymes with bar, 'iss' as in miss).
I have a good friend who's a bearer of this name. The full spelling of her name is Charissa. I find this name pretty and I could see a quiet yet fun girl with this name.
I have this name, only it is spelled Charys. I am still to come across somebody who spells their name in this way! It is still pronounced "Karis", but it just confuses people more!
I love the name Charis, but I prefer it spelled Karis, which, according to another baby name book I read, is the Greek spelling of this name. According to the same book, Karis means pure and beauty. I would definitely consider naming my daughter Karis. Not only is it a beautiful name, I like the fact that it’s not very common or popular, so you know your daughter won’t have the same name as three or four other girls in her class.
This is one of the most sweet and beautiful names I've come across.

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