Well, personally, I pronounce the name with the 'ch' sound instead of the 'k' sound. This is because I keep thinking back to the Slovakian last name Chara, as in Zdeno Chara, captain of the Boston Bruins. I know that the Greek pronunciation sounds closer to the names Kara and Cara, but this is what I always think of, instead of how the Undertale fandom pronounces it, which is closer to the Greek pronunciation of it.
― Anonymous User 10/18/2019
I love the meaning of this name, joy and happiness is always a good thing. My friends like to nickname me this, though they pronounce it like the Undertale character.
This is a good name, but I’m very surprised that no one has ever commented here saying how cringy and bad Undertale is. (Not that UT is bad, just saying).
I prefer saying it as 'Chara' as in pronouncing the 'ch' in 'chair'.
― Anonymous User 10/11/2015
Let me start by saying this is a goofy name, but the meaning is pleasant. English is one of the hardest languages to learn and if you don't know the "Ch" is pronounced three different ways: "K", "Sh","Ch". However, The Greek letter "X", known as "Chi", equals plain "C", therefore Chara=Cara. You decide.
― Anonymous User 8/26/2009
I like this name for its sweet sound and its meaning. I know a girl with this name and she is one of the most genuine people I know.