Comments (Meaning / History Only)

Cephas could also mean "head" in Greek, hence the word "cephalophore", meaning "a saint who carries his or her head in the hands".
The name Cephas does not have ties to the Greek for head. That word is "cephalus" and the word "cephalophore" is derived from that not Cephas. Cephas is not even Greek as mentioned previously but Aramaic.
Cephas is the Aramaic for the Hebrew name Silas which is the actual name Yeshua named Shimon bar Yonah. The word silah in Hebrew means rock. Yeshua understood and spoke Aramaic but it was not His daily language! Hebrew was in fact His daily language! It is a common misconception because of one line He spoke whilst on the cross, eloi, eloi, lama sabachthani which in Hebrew would be eli, eli, lama azavtani. The people around Him thought He was calling on Elijah because they could not understand Aramaic! For that reason alone we know that Yeshua did not name Shimon Cephas but rather Silas, the Hebrew version of the name Petros (Greek). There is a companion of the apostle Paul who was also named by this name and traveled with him as well as with a Judas Barsabas and later with Timothy.
It is a common misconception that the name Silas was derived from the Latin as it became a popular name among the Romans because of Peter!
Cephas is a form of Kephas, which is a Greek transliteration of the Aramaic word 'Kepha' (כיפא), meaning rock, stone.
Messiah is the rock, and Kefa as well, as by his testimony, that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of the Living God, and Messiah, was first spoken.

So yes, Kefa is a type of rock, or else Christ would not have named him such, recorded for us in both Aramaic, and Greek. As we are saved first by trusting in Christ, and then by following Him, through Kefa came not only a confession of faith, but later, written confirmation that Paul's letters are Scripture, surely as the Law, Prophets, and Psalms.
Bible students recognize the truth that the "rock" reference in Matthew 16:18 is a reference to Christ not to Peter. Study the two different Greek words used there. The New Testament Christian Church is built on Christ and his gospel, death, burial, and resurrection.

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