Comments (Personal Impression Only)

A beautiful name, Celia Rose is my name and I love it!
All of you here seem smart. To anyone reading this trying to see what people think of their name, it's really pretty! I have it too :) I hate when people call me cece/cc :P.
Gorgeous name! CeCe is a cute nickname;)
I hate it, Cecilia sounds better.
I like this pretty name. The famous 19th century English writer Sir Walter Besant wrote a novel called "In Celia's Arbour".
Celia is so beautiful and graceful. And no, it doesn’t mean “blind”, it means “heavenly”! That’s exactly what it is. It’s like Celine and Celeste. They are all so beautiful and cool in their own way. Celia is a unique, and has an airy feel to it. I like the literature association. Why not use Celia more! It’s a great name.
I love how girly Celia is and I love the name Cecelia. My favorite middle name with it is Celia Rosalie it just feels so feminine I love it.
I like how it's an anagram of Alice, they look very beautiful as old fashioned twin names together.
I really like the name Celia. I used to like Cecilia more, and I still do love Cecilia, but these days I'm more drawn to Celia. I think though that Celine and Celeste are better than Celia. Celia feels really angelic to me, and celestial and heavenly indeed, it has so much subtle charm. I like both the English and the Polish pronunciation.
When I think of the name Celia, I see a girl in her early 20's. She has light blond hair, fair skin, green-ish eyes, is slim and medium-height. She is very graceful and full of very fresh, youthful charm and energy. She is likeable, warm, engaging and interested in others, as well as deeply empathetic. She likes to laugh, smiles a lot and likes to make others happy. She is modest, humble and very kind and respectful towards everyone, especially those who are older than her. She is very gentle and calm and has a calming effect on her surroundings. She is an introvert and may be a bit shy, but she does enjoy company of other people, but just doesn't like huge, loud gatherings. She is bookish and outdoorsy, very serious about her responsibilities. She is a real lover of beauty in all its forms. She may appreciate things like classical music and poetry more than your average human being, could be a talented writer herself. She is very sensitive and usually is interested in things to do with spirituality/religion. When she feels comfortable with someone she can become very chatty. She is an idealist and a romantic at heart, spends a lot of time daydreaming. She is fascinated by all things mysterious, unusual, strange, unexplained etc. She likes to live as minimalistically as possible, and enjoys travelling which allows her to have a taste of different cultures. She is a very good observer. She is a loving, forgiving and caring person but she does know what healthy boundaries are. She is very bright and intelligent, diplomatic, and has a subtle, innocent sense of humour. She likes to communicate with others, learn more about people, meet different kinds of people and observe them, hear their stories, she's genuinely interested in others. She can be very supportive and understanding. She loves animals. She has a natural air of elegance and gentleness around her. She can be very dedicated and sacrifice a lot for her loved ones, or people that she works with, because she tends to chose jobs that involve caring for others, supporting them or helping them in some significant ways. Justice is one of her most important values.
I don't know anyone with the name Celia, so this is just a description of how I imagine a Celia, rather than what I think all Celias are or should be like.
My daughter is Celia Rosalie. The amount of compliments we have received over the 10 years she has been on this earth is amazing. I think it’s so beautiful and unique. I love that it seems so universal, being used in many countries and backgrounds.
I love the name Celia. It’s so delightful.
Closely resembles Caelia, another name which I strongly love.
I've always been called Celia. My parents have me a really long version of the name in Italian. Consiglia. The "g" is silent.
My friends call me Ceil. The name is different. I love it.
I would definitely name my baby after me! I was named from my Mother's middle name "Cecelia" just shortened to "Celia"! I have received compliments on my name since a young child, teachers always would sing "Ohhh CeCelia, you're breaking my heart" a popular song by Simon & Garfunkel- I love that my name is unique! YES, cilia is hair in your nose and other body parts that clean mucus, YES CeCilia is Latin for blind -"CELIA" MEANS HEAVENLY, FROM HEAVEN OR ANGELIC AS IT IS THE FEMININE FORM OF Caelius a Roman Family name. I'm not sure why anyone would make fun of another person's name, insecure and mean I guess, we're all entitled to our opinions, but remember what you put out is what you get back!
Not bad. Immediately brings Monsters, Inc. To mind, and also cilia.
I think Cecilia and Cecile are much nicer.
Lol, so many good comments. I am a Celia. My family and close friends call me Seal which I love. I get the Cecilia thing too - I usually answer with "Ba-bob - did I stutter? How about you Ka-karl? Did I stutter?" I get laughs and no one says it wrong again.I'm glad it's classic and uncommon, made school easier. I also am artistic, zany and unabashed - I think it suits me quite well.And no - it is not a made up name! I get that a lot.I hear it is making a comeback because many classic names are so common. It is an old lady name, but still.
I love this name! My first born daughter is named Celia and when she says it I am always amazed at how beautiful it sounds coming from her mouth! She is just as beautiful as her name! I can't think of a better name for her! Thank you for the poem anonymous! It's so beautiful and for sure I will be sending it to my daughter! For anyone thinking of naming your baby Celia... Do it! No matter how you say it... your child will say it the best and the most beautifully! ;)
Beautiful, classic, literary, and not too common!
I can't stand the name Celia. I hate the sound of it. Bleh! >:/
Actually, I've changed my mind about the name Celia. I think it sounds very pretty and cute! You never expect names that you originally dislike to grow on you! ^_^
This is a name I absolutely can't stand, sorry!However, I really like Cecilia.
Terrible old lady name. It reminds me of cilia (microscopic hair-like structures found in places like your intestine).
I have loved this name since I saw it in a video game when I was a kid! If I ever have a daughter, this will be her name! It's the most beautiful name.
The fact that the first syllable of this name sounds like the word 'seal' used to be slightly off-putting to me, but the name has grown on me and I rather like it now. I also think that it can stand on its own and doesn't have to be a nickname for anything.
I love this name! I first saw it in Shakespeare's work "As You Like It" and fell in love! I second that it's "elegant and artistic" and it would be great with the middle name Olive. It could also be used as a feminine version of Seeley, in honor of Seeley Booth from the TV show BONES.
Celia is a beautiful, classical name. It reminds me of someone who would be elegant and artistic.
This is really pretty!
I'm using this name for my story because it is overly beautiful. She is called Cici though. She pronounces it "Seel-E-uh".
The anonymous guy was right. "Cecelia?" No. Celia. "Cecelia?" No. Celia.
I hate the name Cecelia. Sounds like a disease or like you have a stutter. Love the name Celia.
It's a pretty name, but I prefer Cecilia. This is easily the best nickname for a Cecilia. I can't stand Cissy.
This is one of my favorite names. It's heard of, but rather uncommon and its got a cute meaning. I absolutely love the Italian pronunciation, but if you don't have the accent it kind of butchers it. I'm surprised it isn't more popular (and glad), I much prefer it to Cecelia.
If you name a girl Celia, people will always say 'Cecelia?' and you will have to answer 'No. Just Celia' EVERY TIME. It's a beautiful name, but you have been warned.
I love this name not only because it's my mom's name but it's so beautiful and very rare. Since we're Mexican we pronounce it like (ceee-leee-ya) not (cel-ee-a).
I have come to really like this name. It is very pretty, elegant and dainty.

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