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Popularity (masculine) in the United States (by decade)

1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 0.200% 0.160% 0.120% 0.080% 0.040% 1880 2020


 Casey (masculine) 
 Year   Rank   Percent Used 
2020 #383 0.044
2010 #509 0.028
2000 #272 0.058
1990 #121 0.142
1980 #86 0.187
1970 #142 0.111
1960 #359 0.024
1950 #454 0.013
1940 #870 0.004
1930 #1293 0.003
1920 #1221 0.003
1910 #820 0.006
1900 #863 0.006
1890 #1088 0.003
1880 - -