At least among Italian-Americans (unsure about how the name is used in Italy itself), Carmen and Carmine are sometimes pronounced the same, so Carmen has been given to boys as well (though it's still more commonly a feminine name).
With 566 151 bearers, Carmen is the 4th most common feminine given name in Venezuela (2014 Data). With 456 327 bearers, Carmen is the 9th most common feminine given name in Spain (2014 Data). With 267 488 bearers, Carmen is the 9th most common feminine given name in Peru (2014 Data). With 122 870 bearers, Carmen is the 2nd most common feminine given name in Puerto Rico (2014 Data). With 526 bearers, Carmen is the 9th most common feminine given name in Aruba (2014 Data).Source:
In Spain Carmen is the commonest female name of all. Any Spaniard knows at least 10 Carmens, and more than one in their family. It is not that it is an ugly name but so overused that it sounds like an empty word.
― Anonymous User 9/21/2007
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