Italian pronunciation:Cahr-LOHT-Tah"A" as in "Father." Roll your "R." "O" as usual, "Oh" (or what's found in "Open"). Take awareness to pronounce both "TT"s. I understand that it seems difficult-- the easiest way of accomplishing is adding extra emphasis to the "O" before and slowly strolling through. Finish with "A" (once again as in "Father"). [noted -ed]
"A" as in "Father." Roll your "R." "O" as usual, "Oh" (or what's found in "Open"). Take awareness to pronounce both "TT"s. I understand that it seems difficult-- the easiest way of accomplishing is adding extra emphasis to the "O" before and slowly strolling through. Finish with "A" (once again as in "Father"). [noted -ed]