Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name is so pretty, first heard it in Phantom of the Opera.
Should be an English name too.
I don’t like it. Carla/Karla is way better.
When I think about this name I imagine a woman with short curly brown hair that like sports a lot and with an extroverted personality.
My name is Carlotta. I’ve never met anyone with my name and only two people that knew other Carlotta’s. I love my name, however people are strange in the sense that I’m frequently asked if I can be called something other than my name.?
I love this name! It sounds like a normal name, but it's quite unique in the US and the UK! Awesome name!
A beautiful name for a strong girl, pretty sound but not too girly-girl.
This is a drag queen's name.
I think it is a gorgeous name!
Personally I prefer this name over the more common Charlotte. It's not ugly at all.
What an ugly name!

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