Comments (Meaning / History Only)

Bronte è il nome di un paese che si trova in Sicilia sul vulcano Etna e che prende il nome da un gigante della antica mitologia greca. Horatio Nelson per motivi storici divenne il Duca di Bronte (Catania)ed I suoi eredi Bridport_Nelson abitarono per lunghi anni la Ducea. Il padre delle scrittrici cambiò il proprio cognome in Bronte ( in iinglese con la dieresi affinché fosse pronunciata la e come in italiano) poiché ammiratore dell'ammiraglio. Il castello Nelson è visitabile e possiede una croce celtica, giardini all'inglese ed un cimitero british. È una storia che pochi conoscono ed anche in Italia. Il paese di Bronte è a tutt'oggi gemellato con il paese natale di Nelson.[trans: Bronte is the name of a town that is found in Sicily on the Etna volcano and that takes its name from a giant of ancient Greek mythology. Horatio Nelson for historical reasons became the Duke of Bronte (Catania) and his Bridport-Nelson heirs inhabited the Duchy for many years. The writers' father changed his surname to Bronte (in English with the diaeresis for it to be pronounced e as in Italian) as admiral's admirer. The Nelson castle can be visited and has a Celtic cross, English gardens and a British cemetery. It is a story that few know and even in Italy. The town of Bronte is still today twinned with Nelson's birthplace.]
The name is also a cyclops name. I was shocked when I found out that I was also named that, but I still love my name.:)
My name is Bronte and I think that it is a great name.
The father of the Bronte sisters changed the family name to "Bronte" in honour of Horatio Nelson the great naval commander. Nelson was made duke of Bronte - a town in Sicily -by the Neapolitan king in thanksgiving for defeating the French. The Sydney beach also takes its name from the Sicilian town which means "thunder" probably because of the proximity of the place to Mount Etna the volcano.
I always thought Bronte was a French name.
An ancient Greek name, from the Greek word "bronte", means "the sound of the thunder" in Greek. In Greek mythology Brontes was a Cyclops, the personification of "bronte".

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