Brittany is a common name in different countries. Even its meanings are different for different countries. They are from Great Britain, England, Australia. It's just a name with no good meaning.
My parents' baby name book says that Brittany is of Latin origin and means "from England." I guess it might be related to Brittani, a Latin word meaning "the Britons," and also Britannia, the Latin word for Britain.
― Anonymous User 11/26/2015
In the presentation, you speak of a French region: meany people can be interested by the fact that it is above all one of the six Celtic nations. You give also the French name for it, "Bretagne", it would be good to give Brittany's name in Brittany's language, isn't it? That is to say "Breizh".
As I said earlier, the origin of the name is not explained totally right, as it is anachronic to speak of France when the Britons or Brythons established in Armorica. In that time, the Franks and a different people and culture until now; the Franks were creating a small "France". Brittany was to be an independant nation for 7 centuries and a different people and culture until now.
Brittany is the English name for a Celtic country called "Breizh" in Breton, "Bretagne" in French, "Bretaña" in Spanish. When the Britons settled there, France did not exist; they created a new independant nation which has always been in close contact with the other Celtic nations until now (despite the conquest by France contested by an important part of the population). The more famous Brittany's singer and modern musician is Alan Stivell.
Celtic peoples from Britain (and especially from the area of Wales and Cornwall) fled from the invasion of their homeland by Angles, Saxons, and Jutes from Germany, and these Celtic people settled in Brittany (apparantly, it translates to "Little Britain") and, in their language, Breton (Breizhoneg), Brittany is known as "Breizh". Wales, Cornwall, and Brittany are what King Arthur would have called "home".
There´s a region in France named Bretagne. I think it is translated to Brittany, but in French it´s called Bretagne. So I wouldn´t even say that it´s a place name. It just doesn´t have a meaning.
― Anonymous User 4/18/2005
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