Comments (Personal Impression Only)

As someone with a name that people often replace/muddle up with Briony I unfortunately just don't like it. It feels very clunky and inelegant - there are much nicer sounding 'Br' names available.
Best spelling, best name. Boom.
I prefer this spelling over Bryony: I don't like the double y's. Briony is such a delicate, elegant and feminine name! I really, really like it.
The spelling Bryony is in my view much nicer, and since the plant is bryony it's also more authentic. The two letters y give this name its charm and flair.
Briony makes the name less memorable and more ordinary, and takes it downmarket.
I love the sound and feel of this name, but after reading "Atonement" I'm not sure if I could ever use this on a daughter.
I like this name. It’s a bit unconventional and alternative and it has a kinda androgynous and reversible sound to it. I only like the spelling Briony, though (can’t stand the look of the double Ys). And I really liked the novel "Atonement" (haven't seen the film, though, can't tell if it does Briony Tallis any justice).
I love this name, and prefer this to the Bryony spelling. I don't like the double-y's.
I love this name. I saw Atonement the other day and instantly fell in love, as I normally do with 1) the work of Joe Wright and 2) any movie that has Keira Knightley. I think they did Briony justice though; I now want to read the book.
It is actually pronounced BRI - O - NEE. You see it's my name! but my PE teachers tend to spell it all different ways!
1. BEE
2. B
3. Bryony
4. Bryoni
5. Briony
6. Brioni
They are endless! but I prefer it spelt brIonY instead of brYonY. I think it adds more variety!
Different. But I like it.

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