Saint Brigid was born in Faughart County Louth. On the first of February people in Ireland make Saint Brigids Crosses out of Rushes in memory of her and hang them in their homes. Saint Brigid is buried in Downpatrick County Down with Saint Patrick and Saint Columba. Her feastday is the 1st of February. Naomh Brid Guigh Orainn = Saint Brigid pray for us. I like Brigid but prefer Biddy.
Her name means 'exalted one'. She is known as 'Fire of the Hearth', 'Fire of the Forge', and 'Fire of Inspriation'. She was the goddess of war, the arts, smithing, carftsmen, warriors, fire, hearth, fertility, Sacred Flame of Kildare, Druids [priests], healers, and poets. Worshipped throughout the Celtic world, especially in Imbolc, Ireland. Dagda was her parent, Bres her husband and her children were Creidhne, Luchtaine, and Goibniu. It is said that she possessed an apple orchard in the Otherworld and bees traveled there to obtain magical nectar. Not sure if she was ever a real person; but after Christianity came to the Celts they turned her into one. Brigid was considered the foster mother of Jesus. Often called St. Brigid, she brought spring to the land. She is honored by Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and some Anglicans. It has been long documented that paganism has been adopted by mainline Christianity through the teachings of St. Patrick.