Comments (Pronunciation Only)

I don't really like my name, but I'm fine with people calling me Bri. When I was born, so many people told my parents to change the spelling to make it easier to pronounce. Someone said change it to "Briona" but that would make people say "bri-O-na" Then some people said to just change it altogether to "Brianna" which I like better but still prefer similar names like "Briar". Just to clarify, my name is pronounced "bri-ah-na" I used to get annoyed with people spelling and saying my name "Brianna" but now I don't mind. So many people assume that is what it is, and I honestly don't think it matters. Either one works. My family all calls me "Bri" anyway, so to tell you the truth, I wouldn't have a clue which is the "correct" way to pronounce it.
Variant English Pronunciation: brie-AHN-ə.
My name is Briana, and it's always been pronounced {bry-ann-uh}. It's a common misconception when it's pronounced {bree-an-ah} because it's not spelled with an "e" or made to sound that way. "Brian" with an "a". Mostly that's how you're supposed to pronounce it when you spell it this way. {bry-ann-uh}.
This name is also pronounced BREE-AH-NA.

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