Through my own independent research, I discovered that in the old Norse language, "Brenna" is the exact word for "burn." So now we can settle it instead of being like "well it may be from this Celtic word, or this Gaelic word, or this Irish surname, or maybe this other Norse word," now it can be known that this name literally IS the old Norse word for burn.
My name is Brenna. I don't know exactly what book she got it from, but my mother always told everyone with pride, "It means 'Warlike raven of dark beauty'." That is the definition I will always stick with. My hair is not black, but I've been told I have a rebellious, dark nature. I never watch American Idol so I've never seen the other Brenna. I know Mike Tyson's daughter was named Brenna, like it matters. Try not to associate the behavior of one person to the name of many, it's insulting. I do believe we grow into the definition of our names somehow. Choose wisely.
I love my name. I'm a "Brenna Mae" (thank you to the one who said it would make a good combination! I think so too!)I've heard people say it means "Raven haired maiden", "Pure", also "little drop of water" or "little stream". "Little Raven" or "Raven Beauty", also. Incidentally, I have curly brown hair (my parents named me well!) I completely agree with the pale skin view. I have extremely pale skin, and very dark curly hair (I'm somewhat Italian looking, actually). Everyone is always saying how much of a "Brenna" I look. =)
Brenna is an old Norse name, meaning 'burning' or 'torch'. My young neice was, unfortunately, named Lokabrenna by her parents. It's a lovely name, really, just super rare. Unheard of, really. It's the Norse name for Sirius and means "burning done by Loki" or "Loki's torch". She was nearly named Lokasenna after the myth, and Lokabrenna kinda came around from there. Of course, she goes by the lovely nickname of "BRENNA".I have to agree that the name Brenna is getting a bit overused, but, hell, there might be only one or two Lokabrennas in the world, so give the kid a break! :)