The Teutonic Meaning of Brandon is "Flaming Sword", and thus a name for the Sun as according to "Stowe's Bible Astrology" the Sun is the flaming sword of the garden of Eden, Genesis 3:24. The Golden Dawn magical Tradition uses the term flaming sword for the process of involution and ascension by first way of descension into incarnation. Hence Brandon is the word made flesh "He descends is he who ascends", and while also being a Sun diety, thus he is the "incarnate Sun-God". This name also because of this meaning of Descension into incarnation, inherently contains all other names within himself since we all incarnate and ascend. Numerologicaly Brandon=217, and revelation 2:17 is the scripture saying "he will recieve a white stone, and a new name written in it", and to bookend that 21:7 "he that overcomes will inheret all things, and i will be his God and he shall be my son". Or this may be the name of the antichrist, or the demiurge/imperfect ruling creator as it was used in the Matrix 4 movie for the name of the son of Trinity in her "forgetfullness" of her true self thingking she was "tiffany". In the Nag Hammadie scriptures, sophia, the divine feminine begets a son while in her forgetfullness of exploring experiencial realms. This son she called "Yaldabaoth" which means "young man move over here!", (curiously a term similar to the popular "Let's Go Brandon!"). Yaldobaoth then creates the material world and his placement is that of Saturn/Satan theologically, and the name Aldabrandt shares similar Phoenetic quality and Aldabrandt, but interestingly Aldabrandt means from the tribe of Dan, which is where the antichrist will come from, according to Revelation 7:48. Notice also the name Brandon means sword, and the lord will come back with a two edged sword of his mouth, or a double edged sword. In one day, notice how the name became both a blessing and a curse, just speaking it invokes hurrahs in one polarized group on the right, and to the left his name is the twin king of the curse word starting with "F", and directed at their president. No other name in history has caused this much POLARIZED love and hate, There is POWER in the name, indeed.
Someone said a couple of posts up that Brandon means sword in Dutch but that's not true. I'm Dutch and I have never heard the word Brandon in my language. The Dutch word for sword is zwaard.