Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Imagine someone named Booker that isn’t into reading books?Hilarious!
Sounds way too much like "booger".
Sounds like a combination of booger and hooker.
Sounds quite nerdy, actually.
Quite unattractive, also sounds like booger.
A good name for a librarian?
Sounds like booger, and a nerdy name.
Eww, hate it. Sounds like Booger, and the only nicknames are Book and Booky. You want your kid to be a nerd who loves books and cheats on tests?
It's kinda nerdy...
I used to think it was too close to “booger” but now I’m actually really digging it. I love the meaning too.
Weird. It also kinda sounds like booger.
We named our son this. He’s 4 now. Randomly chosen from a name website. Most people seem to really love it and a few hate it. But very few seem to not have a strong opinion about it. We usually call him Bookie but will probably go back to Booker when he’s older.
This name doesn't sound pleasant to me. Any way I try to say it, it sounds awful. Ooker just sounds very unpleasant to me.
Better suited as a surname. I remember my second grade teacher was Mrs. Booker.
My name is Booker, believe it or not. It's kinda cool to see that almost no one nowadays has my unique name!
It seems like such a strong name, and it would suit a man at any point in his life. I don't consider this a feminine name because of the k sound.
I agree with the person that said they were surprised this wasn't in the top 1000. Surnames as first names are so trendy right now, even for girls(awful). I don't think this name is that bad honestly, and a little boy named Booker would certainly stand out from the crowds of Masons, Madisons, and Tylers.
This would be a cute name for a dog :)
I imagine a kid named Booker would grow up to be a librarian or a cop (Book 'em, Booker, haha). That's just my first impression though :P
It's a very old-fashioned name, and it rhymes with 'hooker'. Some people would pronounce it as ''BOO-kah'', which would be absolutely atrocious. It's not a nice-sounding name anyway.
Too close to booger.
Cool name.

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