Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is my son's name, born in 2013. We have gotten nothing but compliments on it. We actually got the name from the Marvel character Bishop. It suits him perfectly and some people (like grandparents) thought it was odd at first, but now they love it.
This is my brother's name. He was born in 1998. People have always said he has an interesting name. Sometimes people have mistaken it as his surname.
This is like naming your kid Pope or Reverend. It's weird and there's going to be backlash from somebody.
The name Bishop was given to 182 baby boys born in the US in 2012.
You wouldn't name your child Priest or Minister, would you?
Religious jobs make bad names.
It's a profession, not a name, ha ha. As for the profession, I don't like it much. I would never use a religious name (if that's possible) or the word for a religious occupation for my child. And well, it doesn't sound very good anyway.
I like the sound of the name Bishop and think it is a really cool name for a boy.

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