Slavic origin, from the name of "herb". Meaning: gentle, modest, self-satisfied, complacent. There is an old folk Macedonian song: "Biljana platno beleše", which means: "Biljana bleached the sheets" at the spring of The Lake of Ohrid, Macedonia.
Another explanation links this name to the word "biljur" which means "mountain crystal", a type of flower that can be found in Macedonia.
― Anonymous User 3/17/2009
Biljana as someone has mentioned is so obviously a Slavic name. Even an amateur in etymology can tell you that. It comes from the word "bilje". The name is as much used in Macedonia as its used in Serbia. There is no written record that Macedonians (who in reality haven't existed before the 20th century and unrelated to Ancient Macedonia) had it first. If anything it is probably the Serbians who have used it first as they have existed much longer than the Macedonians who are Serbo-Bulgarians themselves. Bulgarians are Tatars and cannot set any historic right to the name because it is Slavic.
Bulgarians are not of Tatar origin! Read independent history materials, not your Serb-loving, Serb-serving and Serb-made-up history textbooks.The Bulgarian nation is formed by the merging of Slavic and pre-Bulgarian tribes around 8th century A.D. The Bulgarian state on the Bolkan peninsula - as a union of Slavic and pre-Bulgarian tribes (which are of Indo-European and not of Tatarian origin!) exists since the year 680, and that is official Byzantanium source - state documentation.You are so blind, you just retell what somebody told you with no regard of the truth! And with no real interest of what the indisputable historic truth is whatsoever! The Bulgarian people has nothing to do with Tatarian tribes. Not that it would be an insult, as most of you mean it.
The name is related or a version of the Slavic "Jana". "Bil" is short from of bilbil, the bird with the most beautiful singing voice, also added to Jana means beautiful Jana.
Biljana is an old Slavic name meaning plants (bilje), but today is used in countries that do not have Slavic origin (like Bulgaria, Tatarian country). Mainly it is most popular in Macedonia (Slavic country) and in Serbia (Slavic country). Usually for someone called Biljana gives automatic thinking that the person who has that name is Macedonian. This name is "trademark" of one ancient Macedonian town (Ohrid) and Republic of Macedonia.
― Anonymous User 9/20/2006
The name Biljana is commonly used in Bulgaria as well. As you indicated, it most probably comes from a Slavic word meaning "herb". There are two dates in Bulgaria on which women named Biljana celebrate their Name Day. The first one is on Palm Sunday (or as we call it All Flowers Day), when all people whose names are derived from flowers have a name day. The second is on June 24 when we honor St. Enio the Herb Gatherer, and on that day in some Bulgarian villages people still gather herbs and follow certain rituals to assure good health and abundant crops.
― Anonymous User 9/13/2005
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