Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Feminine & Masculine
Pronounced Pron. BAY(Middle English)  [key]
Other Forms FormsBaye, Beaga, Beage

Meaning & History

From the Middle English personal name Baye, from Old English Beaga (masculine) or Beage (feminine).

A diminutive of Baylee, or any name containing the element or sound -bay-.

May also be given in reference to the English word "bay," from the Middle English baye, from the Old English beġ 'berry', as in beġbēam 'berry-tree'.
Added 1/29/2011 by keepitreal
Edited 5/10/2021 by LMS, Frollein Gladys and Ora

See Also

User submissions Bảy, Bay