Bast is actually the original version of the name, and Bastet the variant. the "et" ending was added by scholars later to emphasize the feminine aspect and to ensure pronunciation of the "t" at the end. (By the way, when I say original, I'm not sure if it's the Egyptian name or not like Anubis/Anpu but I know it came before Bastet.)
Titles: • Mistress of the Sistrum • Lady of Flame • Eye of Ra • The Feline One of Women • She of the Bast [ointment jar] Goddess of: • Sun • Fertility • Moon • Joy • Music • Sensuality • Dance • Warmth • Pregnant women Worshipped in Egypt, and Bubastis was the cult center. Associated with Pakhet, Hathor, Mut, Artemis, Sekhmet, Mut Nit; Isis/Osiris were her parents; Horus was her brother; Anubis, Horus of the Ointments, and Nefertem were her sons. She was depicted as a woman with a feline head or with a lioness head or as a desert wildcat, killing poisonous snakes with her claws; often dressed in green; sometimes shown holding a sistrum, the symbol of music; mummified cats were offered to her; her name has existed for nearly five millennia; a deity who defended the pharaoh and the people from disease and destruction.