彩香 should be added as the name made the top 10 in that spelling in the 1980s and 1990s. [noted -ed]
― Anonymous User 3/22/2021
It is commonly written as 彩香 (colour + incense, perfume). In this spelling it made the top 10 in 1989. It stayed there until including 1994.As 彩花 (color + flower) it entered the top 10 in 1993. It fell out of the top 10 and re-entered a few times, last making the top 10 in 2003.
Ayaka is a very popular name these days. It can be divided into two elements, 'Aya' (colourful) and 'Ka' (fregrance), and 'Ka' can be replaced by other naming elements such as 'Mi'(beauty), 'Ko'(child), and so on to make other names 'Ayami', 'Ayako'. I personally love that names.