Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It's different but it sounds like a makeup brand.
Avalon is a classy name for either gender. It means "island of apples" -- nothing particularly masculine or feminine about that, is there?
A rare and beautiful alternative to the ever popular Ava. Nickname could be Ava, Avi, or Lonnie. It sounds mystical and whimsical, yet also completely passable as a name.
Beautiful, sophisticated, uncommon but not too strange. Perfect.
I think this is name is so romantic and absolutely beautiful!
I like the sound. It sounds a bit harsh for a girl's name, but I could see it being used for a girl as well.
Much better than Ava, and I like the King Arthur association.
Avalon is one of my favorite names of all time, very outdoorsy and adventurous. I'm surprised that this name isn't popular. I would love to name my daughter this.
Tranquil, serene what's not to love, it's beautiful. It might even be the next Heaven or Angela.
Okay for a character. Maybe not a person.
Gorgeous name, I'd definitely consider it for a future child!
I like it spelled Avalonne over the traditional Avalon.
Strange name.
I find it better on a boy.
My friend's sister's name is Avalon, and here are some of my thoughts:
It is a beautiful name, but it's one of those names that don't sound like a name. It kind of sounds like a mythical world, which is cool!
I’m considering this name for any future daughter:Avalon Bridget I like Avvie and Lonnie for nicknames.
I thought this was a boy name at first, man I feel so stupid now.
Ava is better.
This name looks really cool and has a really cool meaning, but it doesn't really seem like a name for a person. It sounds more wordy. Avalon is still nice but I think Avonlea sounds more namely.
It's not a terrible name but I could never use it. Reminds me of the student housing across the street from my University that was called Avalon.
This being my name (pronounced Ah - vuh - lon), I've grown rather fond of it. I used to think that it sounded absurdly feminine and borderline ditsy, but I've come to terms with that. Looking at the ratings of this name, I'm glad to see that I was probably just paranoid.
This is my name! It is pronounced av-a-lahn. Not aye-va-lahn. I was named after the Roxy Music song.
This is the name of my second daughter, so I personally adore this name. It's beautiful and unique. It's just perfect.
I love that Avalon is a less common name but also isn't too weird or pretentious. Never thought it sounded masculine. I also rather enjoy this one as a middle name.
I am pleased many years later that my mother chose Avalon for the name of her first daughter. I was born on the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland. She loved the province and only lived there for a little over a year; she called me her "souvenir" of her time there with her young family.
My name is Avalon actually and I love my name. I've never actually ever met anyone else named Avalon but I can see there are quite a few in the previous comments. I don't know what it is about it, but Avalon just sounds like a really pretty name to me. It sounds very elegant and classy. Although I'm a girl myself, I do believe Avalon can be a boy's name. I think of it as one of those gender neutral names such as Ashley or Sam.
The name Avalon is not a female name. It is a male name. There are examples of names that can be used for males and females but have a common root name. Such as Roberta and Roberto. With regards to Avalon I have seen it spelt in a number of different ways. Some spellings with or without an e on the end of the name. My research led me to the original spelling of Abalone. In time it became Avalone. In Germany the name is spelt differently for boys and girls. For boys it is spelt Avelon, where as for girls it is spelt Aveline. When naming my son I used an e on the end, but as I was living in Germany at the time and because with an e on the end his name would have sounded strange, we left the e off. In German name lore Aveline is related to the Hazel nut tree. Which is considered the fruit of wisdom. I would like to finish by saying that my language is British not English. The English language is full of influences from other languages. So when researching names please look at definitions beyond your own language. As a side note, Avelon was a name given to me by my ancestors. I had never heard of that name before it popped into my head. At the time I did not want a biblical name but rather a name to go on into the future. It turns out that the name Avelon bridges the Ancient world and the future world so well. I named my son in 1995 well before Avalon became such a popular name.
I was born in my grandmother's house, it was called Avalon. I often wondered what it meant, now I know, thank you- only 68 years later. I was at my happiest in that house. I loved my grandparents so much. Lived in London as a child (hated it) but went to Wales in the school holidays, my happiest memories.
As the nurse informed my dad that he needed to name his newborn baby right away or be required to use a lawyer to name me the next day, he nervously walked inside the hospital and looked at the cigarette machine and chose Avalon which was a cigarette company. I guess I was fortunate not be named Salem, Lucky, Marlboro, Kent, Camel, or even Virginia Slim. Since this name was rare, I actually have received compliments over my 50 years. As a Christian man, I really like that my name means paradise in Anglo-Saxon language according to the Oxford Dictionary. I wish my father had learned his lesson in being more prepared in naming his children. I think he consulted with a Buddhist priest and named my brother, Gayle. What is the name of my son? Michael.
Very rare but beautiful name. And it's related to a paradise so the meaning is great too. I also like a slight variant, "Avalyn", pronounced AV-UH-LIN. Very similar but I can't decide which one I like better. Both very pretty.
I like this name heaps. When I first started to like it I didn't even know if it was a real name. The only problem is how it could be played with. Like if Avalon asks for a beer or something and they might be like "Avalon one" or it could get even worse than that. Avalon sounds like half a sentence and it could be fooled around with. Other than that it's pretty.
Absolutely stunning and enchanting. If you'd like to use a paradise name for your child, Avalon makes a more mythological and historical alternative to Nevaeh.
I actually really like this name- my neighbour is named that (she's a teenager) and I think it's really pretty. I wouldn't personally use Ava as a nickname as it's pronounced differently, but that's just me I think. I believe my neighbour uses Avvy as a nickname, which I don't really like.
I especially like that it's uncommon- no "Avalon M." or "Avalon P.", which is nice! And it's also easy to pronounce, since almost everyone knows the word.
I used to really love this name but for some reason I just can't bring myself to use it. It sounds a bit stripper-y I suppose.
It sounds like a tacky name from a soap opera.
I think this name is really cool. It's what I'm going to go by in my rock band.
I wish I was named Avalon~ it's so pretty.
This name comes off incredibly fay and pretentious.
I was really surprised to find Avalon on BtN. I didn't know anyone had it as a name, as I am used to only hearing it as a name for paradise in Arthurian myth and the Lara Croft series. I love Avalon now. It's really beautiful, interesting and different, and it has this kind of mystique about it. Definitely a memorable name. Avalon is very unusual and dramatic, but not too out-there, and the spelling and pronunciation won't be a problem. It's much better than Heaven as a name, and it makes a pleasant change from Ava and Alison. I would seriously consider Avalon for a daughter.
I am proud to have this name, it's elegant and beautiful which people said I am.
It's interesting and beautiful.
This is one of my favorite girl names. I named a character in my book Avalon and have loved it ever since. I just love the way it sounds and looks. And it's rich in meaning. It's a pity there are not more people with this name.
This is an awesome name! So pretty and yet so strong. I can picture a girl with this name who can stand her ground; someone who walks with a dignity. For all of you named Avalon be proud, because it's such a pretty name and you should be glad to have it!
This is really a pretty name. I love it!
Really pretty name. I am considering naming my future child Avalon.
Despite being the name of a paradise island, this name makes me picture dark, deep, cold waters. It must be because of the Sigur Ros track with the same title.
Avalon doesn't really seem like a boy's name, but it's the whole concept of boy and girl names, which isn't very smart. It's a very nice name, one of my favorites.
I named my daughter Avalon 23 years ago today. It's definitely a girl's name.
As much as I love the way the name sounds, it comes off as being a bit cheesy.
I have known two Avalons in my life so far. I think it may be gaining in popularity. My cousin named her daughter this (her nickname is Ava) and my best friend's younger sister is named this. Very pretty and unique.
Such a beautiful and original name. I would only use this for a girl.
I don't think Avalon sounds like a girl's name. I would have been great on a boy.
Such a beautiful elegant name.
Wow I really love this name. It is SO beautiful - classy and elegant but modern and cute at the same time. Girls only, please!
I like this name. I don't know what it is about the name but it sounds pretty. It definitely is not an overused name which is so nice.
My name is actually Avalon. I love my name because I am into faerie-lore and there are many connections with Avalon and faeries.
It sounds so cool. If you've ever seen the movie Avalon you would call your child that. Because it is such a serene and beautiful place. I definitely hope it's real so I might be able to go there some time. I also hope that king Arthur and his sister Morgaine were real and that many people might read this and find their story. It's interesting to watch. That's why the movie Avalon has touched my heart.

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