I love this name for a boy. It's handsome, short and sweet and cool sounding all around. I honestly don't care if girls names in English mainly end in A, there are also plenty of normalized boy's names ending with the A sound, like Elijah, Noah, Ezra, Isaiah, Joshua, Micah, Jeremiah, Luca, Jonah, Judah and Dakota, so I don't see why Asa would be too strange. Even if some people may confuse it for a girl's name, I don't see why that would need to be a huge problem, people name their daughters straight-up boys names all the time. I honestly think it's weird how for both boys and girls, masculinity is seen as desirable, but if something masculine could be perceived as remotely feminine, it's out of the question. Anyways, Asa's a great boy's name.
I agree that Asa sounds more feminine to me than masculine. It ends in an -a, which is typically feminine in the English language, I believe (examples: Ava, Ella, Laura, Tina, Samantha, etc.).
Looks like it’s pronounced ass-uh, which doesn't sound good. Maybe spell it Aysa to avoid mispronunciations. But Aysa looks feminine. Actually, Asa does too. How about Adam instead? Or Abe?
Hey everybody my name is Asa, and I have yet to meet another Asa. I'm 28, Hispanic, born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. I like my name, when I meet new people I joke with them, "Hi my name's Asa", "Did you say awesome?", "No Asa, like casa, pasta, mufasa, but you can call me awesome if you like".
Honestly, one of my friend's name's is Asa and we call them Ace as a nickname. I think it's a really nice name. Their name is pronounced ay-suh but I have heard some people pronounce it ass-a or az-a.
― Anonymous User 12/19/2018
An anagram for this is ass.
― Anonymous User 9/16/2018
To the commenter who said this was an anagram for ass, it actually can’t be. There’s two As and one S. The anagrams are Aas and Saa. By the way, this name is quite nice.
I'm not a huge fan of this name. It's not common enough where a whole lot of people would know how to pronounce it upon seeing it. Plus, this name sounds extremely feminine and looks and sounds too much like the popular female name Ava. If you're looking for a masculine name with the same feel as Asa, why not Ace?
― Anonymous User 8/20/2013
Such a short name that caries a mighty amount of strength. I prefer the Anglicized pronunciation with the long A.
I think Asa is a good strong reasonable name. How people could mistake such a simple but powerful name for another is beyond me. The pronunciation is rather straight forward and anyone who would use an insult such as what was suggested above would be an immature fool.
I recently met a little boy named this. My friend mistook it for 'Mason', the boy's grandfather spelled it for us a-s-a. So they pronounce it AY-suh :)
I wouldn't use this. It looks hard to pronounce and someone with this name might be called "ass". Plus, it sounds more like the name of an old man than a young boy.