Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I like how this name sounds, but the connotations though. It's a bit better that English isn't my main language. Also, I'm not sure how my language would spell this. Арьян maybe?
I’m sure it is fine in the language where it originated, but if you live in a country affected by the Holocaust, I would not use this name. If you like the spelling, you could use Arya and if you like the sound you could use Adrian.
I agree with one of the other comments, not every name will be used for white people in America or Europe. There’s no nazi connotations for an Indian person to have an Indian name, and it’s not your place to determine if a piece of someone else’s culture is no longer usable for them.
As an Indian name, pronounced something like [ah-ree-ahn], I think it’s a beautiful and handsome name.
It's a good name in south Asia, but in the western world, this name should not be used.
Not a good name to give a kid for obvious reasons. Give him a name he can be proud of.
Aside from the Nazi connotations, this sounds nice on a boy. But where I’m from there’s no way in hell I’m using this name.
To be honest, you have to be pretty damn bold or pretty damn stupid to actually name your child Aryan. It should be pretty obvious why you shouldn’t name your child this.
Oh hell no, don't name your child this in the west. Please.
I pronounce it are Ar-YAN I don’t know why. Anyways, maybe you should spell it Aaryan instead of that so that way people don’t get confused or offended.
As a Jewish German I am not really offended by this name. It’s Indian, and pronounced AR REE AN, not AIR EE AN. So if you’re Indian or just plan on naming your child this, please make it Aaryan instead of Aryan. It’s a lovely name, just ughh Hitler is horrible, and you don’t want your child’s name to ever be associated with him. Overall, I rate this name a 7/10 it has a nice sound to it, it’s just I hate the association. Besides, the meaning of noble is wonderful.
Terrible connotations.
I see a lot of people here with very low intelligence. Aryan is a noble and strong name and white people have every right to name their child this if they wish. When I have children, I fully intend to name one of my sons Aryan or a variant of this.
Please don’t.
I think it has a nice flow and is lovely but with the connotations with Nazis and Hitler I think it is utterly disgusting and repulsive, just avoid naming a child this please.
I know, this is not English but Indian, but it's still Nazi-related so YUCK NEVER!
That name is Anti-Semetic and offensive, as well as a severe no-no to give your kids.
That name doesn't deserve to be popular at all, especially since it's heavily offensive towards those who are not like us and deserve absolute respect. That's a Nazi name, and shouldn't ever be used in any way. STAY AWAY FROM THAT OFFENSIVE NAME PLEASE!
The name in itself is very nice. The spelling and pronunciation is very handsome to me. But English is not my first language so I don't have the immediate association of "Aryan" with nazism. However, due to the associations with nazism I don't think white people should bear this name. I just imagine what bullying a kid would go through if they were named Aryan in my language. People might also prejudge them and think that they have been raised in a racist household. It's a shame because the name, without the negative connotations, is very strong yet sensitive. An aesthetically perfect name, in my opinion.
Yes... I get that this is Hindi, but it's also Hitler. I know an Aryan. He is teased mercilessly. He wasn't born in my country, but he came over and it has very different connotations here. It's pronounced the same way Hitler did... Now he has a negative connotation following him around forever. If you name your kid this, you saddle him for life.
Not really a good name to me. It would seem neo-Nazi on a non Indian person in America.
This name makes me think of white supremacists and neo-Nazis. It's definitely not something you'd want to consider in a Western country!
I know that this name comes from a completely different etymology, but I can't help but think of Hitler's efforts to create an Aryan race when I see this name.

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