Elisha, Eliison and Eliis came from to honour. The name Elizabeth and all are popular unisex names for boys! Like how Ashley is being used for boys too in Australia! Dakota, Enid, Hallie, Lauren and even Astrid are now becoming choices for boys too in recent years ✓ So Artemis for boys is not unforgivable or strange! It's fine!The meaning comes from hunt and moon and moon in some cultures is the symbol of masculinity. So Artemis can be used for boys too. Artemas is also better especially the connection to the bible stories. But you can't stop people because they want to name their son Artemis. You don't do it but that can't stop people.
― Anonymous User 6/8/2024, edited 6/8/2024
People can name their children whatever they want! A boy named Artemis is not strange at all!
― Anonymous User 6/5/2024
I like it for both genders! It's an uncommon but acceptable unisex name. Where I live it's more used for girls but I love it for boys too!
― Anonymous User 6/5/2024
It's totally a unisex name. How can girls have the names Logan, James, Noah and even Ezra and Extra but not boys?! Artemis is totally fine for a boy and the nickname Arty / Artie is perfect. Artemis and Artemus are also good but a boy named Artemis is not strange.
― Anonymous User 4/6/2024
This is totally not a unisex name. To start off, Logan is a surname. It was never intended to be a first name, so it can be adapted as a first name for both boys and girls, though it is most common for boys. Noah is a biblical girl's name with separate roots from Noah the biblical boy's name. In the bible, Noah is the daughter of Zelophehad. Do your research before you say girls are using boy's names that were never just boy's names in the first place. James and Ezra are boy's names, and it is my opinion that they should remain as such. Naming a girl Logan, James, Ezra or Noah is not the same as naming a boy Artemis, it's more like naming a boy Amelia, Emma, Elizabeth or Grace. Those names would be obviously recognized as the opposite gender, which I think for many people who name their girls James or Ezra, is kind of the point. Naming a boy Artemis would be more like naming a girl a much more obscure masculine name, but still with a history like that of Poseidon. Artemis perhaps would not be to all people an obviously feminine name, so naming a boy Artemis is not about "gender-bending" but would be because the name Artemis doesn't meet their small-minded idea of femininity and therefore, is not a girl's name to them. If that was the case, why Artemis and not Athena?Just because you think it sounds masculine doesn't mean it is. Your opinion doesn't reverse 1000s of years of history.
I'm sorry, but this is a girl's name and a girl's name only. It has been for THOUSANDS OF YEARS, despite being misused in popular culture. There are so many good Greek mythology boys names, why try to take this away from its roots? Artem, Artemio, Artemi and Artemisio are masculine versions of this name. Use those instead.This is 100% a hill I will die on, a girl's name not ending in 'a' or 'ette' does not make it any less feminine, and certainly does make it a boy's name.
I like it for both genders. Artemas, Artemius, Artamis and Artimas are all good masculine variations of Artemis. But i like Artemis for a boy, Arty / Artie is a good nickname. Maybe because I grew up with Artemis fowl and Artemis from Sailor Moon.
― Anonymous User 11/1/2023
Beautiful name. I much prefer it on a female, because Artemis was a goddess and I find the name very feminine and its etymology. I would gladly name a son Apollo, though. (Even though it’s my cat's name, lol) I can understand why somebody would name their son Artemis though. I think it would go beautifully with something like Artemis Luna, Artemis Juno, or Artemis Flora. They just ooze feminine strength to me.
I have a classmate in my Astronomy class with this name. I did a double-take. I'm not usually one for Greek Mythology names since they can be overly ambitious, but I guess this one is fine.
I think this is an awful name for a boy and should be left as a girl name. Artemis was not the most stereotypically feminine goddess but she represented women in a way that was empowering. There are plenty of boys' names from Greek mythology without using girl ones.
― Anonymous User 12/1/2019
Personally, I feel it works good on both girls and boys. No more, no less.
I love this name. I feel Artemis from the Greek myths was strong and smart which are good traits describing her. I feel naming my daughter this because it is really unique and also because I am very interested in Greek Mythology but I just want an atypical name for a beautiful child.
Artemis is a beautiful name and I love it for a girl. I want to say the same for a boy, but it seems too feminine despite the -us suffix. When I looked at the meaning, I didn’t get too triggered, because the meaning isn’t “horrible” not like Abaddon. And the picture of the person, it looked too masculine to be a woman yet too feminine to be a man. But from the way I see it, she’s a girl. So I prefer Artemis as a girl’s name. I can see it a bit unisex, but I still don’t like the name for a boy as much as a girl. I don’t ABSOLUTELY HATE it for a boy, but I still think it’s much more suited for girls.
― Anonymous User 12/31/2018
This name is so charming and lovely yet sturdy. Such a *cool girl* name.
Artemis is a good name for a boy or a girl. There are many girls who have male god names, APOLLINE is the feminine form of Apollo as well I know a girl named Apolla. Besides, so many people get uptight when a girl has a "boy" name like Max or a boy with a feminine name like Francis. I say if it works for you and your child, go for it.
I think Artemis is a beautiful, elegant, and strong name for a girl. Although the nickname “Artie” is considered for boys, I think that it is still a cute nickname for a girl. Artemis will always be feminine to me because of the goddess Artemis. I think Artemis goes well with the middle name Luna: Artemis Luna or vice versa.
― Anonymous User 6/14/2018
The goddess made me think of the name as very feminine. But not in a ladylike or princess way. In a way such as the goddess was. Apollo is also a good male name.
― Anonymous User 11/10/2017
I just named my daughter Artemis because she was such a strong and independent female, and that's what I hope for my child. I have received some negative feedback from people who believe it to be a boys name. That's a shame because it just shows a gap in their education where Greek mythology was overlooked by there school. I love Greek mythology like I love fairytales and folklore of all different nationalities. I believe they enrich our lives and cultures and sometime have some truth to them. They almost always have lessons or values to learn from them. Artemis is a strong name that has certainly showed it fits for unique male characters, Artemis Gordan and Artemis Fowl, in the last century as well. And I'm definitely one to agree "if the shoe fits..."
Beautiful and graceful, a perfect name for the moon goddess. I dislike it for males, however; I find it a bit too funny to have a man share his name with a goddess of maidens and young girls.
Too feminine for a boy. Artemus means "gift of Artemis", and is masculine. Artemis was a very feminine goddess and the goddess of maidens. She was a not a dainty, delicate, flowery goddess. To me, the name is strong, but strong names are not automatically masculine. Girls can have names that are strong.
I really like Artemis, and the Greek goddess connection keeps making me go back to it. I also love the Artemis Fowl books but I can't understand it being used on a boy. It's not just a girls' name it's a goddess' name, and that does get mentioned in the books too. Two very good, almost identical sounding alternatives (that are actually boys names) are Artemus and Artemas. I really like the 'safe' meaning, although 'butcher' not so much.
Beautiful name! I think good names for siblings would be Luna, Selene, and Artemis if you were into the moon. Art, Arty, or Artie would make great nicknames! When I hear "Artemis" I think of a strong huntress, like with Simone.
I love this name. Artemis has always been my favorite Olympian but then I also read and enjoyed the Artemis Fowl books and I think the name has an androgynous quality to it that makes it work on both sexes. Were I ever to use it, though, I would give it to a girl because it would be in honor of the goddess.
Beautiful yet fun name... I think it would be great with a more girly first or middle name. Like Willow Artemis or Artemis Lilia. Something earthy and girly to go with it and it would be perfect for a little girl and woman. I think of a wild red head with curly hair and a loving yet adventurous personality!
How can people think Artemis is a boy's name? Artemis was a Greek godDESS who apparently spurned men. Anyway, I think Artemis is a gorgeous, very ethereal sounding name. I would definitely use it on a girl.
― Anonymous User 3/5/2011
I've never thought this name sounded feminine, at all. In addition, I always associate this name with Artemus Gordon from "Wild Wild West," so for me it will always be masculine. Still can't say that I'd use the name, though.
― Anonymous User 10/25/2010
It's pretty, but also a little dull in my opinion. I do agree that the Greek goddess was awesome, but it still kind of bores me. Artemisia is much prettier. As for gender, I think Artemis sounds ridiculous on a boy, and I'm not a fan of the Artemis Fowl books. This will always be a girls' name to me.
I really love the name, but since reading and adoring the Artemis Fowl books, I can't see it on a girl. But also, being as it was the name of a goddess, can't see it on a boy. I do prefer it on a boy, but I wouldn't call a son this.
Absolutely gorgeous. But only on a girl seeing as Artemis in Greek Mythology was a woman and a goddess of women, virginity, childbirth and mothers. She was very feminine.
Artemis is one of those names that I like the ending on. Like AN, as I posted on Arianne, mis is very conclusive. Also, I've always liked mythology names, because I like language. Mythology is a part of language, and sometimes science as well (Arachne, for example).
I love this name. I like it better as a boy's name even though it's a female goddess, plus in the Artemis Fowl series the character is a boy and in Sailor Moon.
I think it's good, and it can be used for any sex.Heck, I kinda think the idea of 'girl names' and 'boy names' is kinda stupid. There are so many good names that people 'can't use' because they're 'the wrong sex'.
I love this name although it makes me think of a guy. Simply because Sailor Moon has been burned into my brain since a very young age. Either way it makes me think a very strong, beautiful and intelligent person.
I like this name but I wouldn't use it for a child. I think it's odd for a boy, though---it's a Greek godDESS, after all.
― Anonymous User 4/1/2007
When I say Artemis, it makes me think: "hard to miss", it's really annoying because I love the name.
― Anonymous User 3/30/2007
I like this name a lot; good sound, good meaning, good nickname. I like this name equally for girls and boys; that it is a goddess' name definitely makes it more feminine, but there have been a few male characters (Artemis Fowl and Artemis from Sailor Moon) that had this name that it suited really well.
Artemis? A boy!? Artemis was a Greek Goddess and protector of women! And yet you have people complaining that young girls are taking on male names such as Madison! Talk about controversy. Artemis is a lot better than Diana, in my personal opinion.
― Anonymous User 2/12/2007
I love the name Artemis. It is in the series Artemis Fowl, although there, Artemis Fowl is a boy. I personally prefer Artemis as a boy's name, but I would still whole-heartedly name my daughter Artemis. If I was old enough to have a daughter, that is. Artemis sounds great, and I love that name.