Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Meh. Way too overdone for my tastes.
Usually I don't like the name Anna or any names with Anna in it but I actually kinda like this name it's beautiful and flawless I don't really think anyone with this name will get picked on plus it's way better than Annabelle lol.
I LOVE this name so much! It's so much less common than overused Isabella.
This is soooooo cute! I love it!
I hate when people with a differed variation of a name have to knock down the original spelling. I love both Annabelle and Annabella. But I really love Annabella lately, more so than Annabelle.
Pretty name.
Annabella is so beautiful, definitely prefer over Annabelle. Personally I wouldn’t name my kid Annabelle, after the doll. I think Annabella is a better alternative.
Too over-the-top and it doesn't flow that well. I prefer Annabel.
I’m an Annabella and I have always loved it. Although when people first meet me I am usually called Annabel/Annabelle they learn quickly that the name ends with an “a” instead of an “e”. The two main reasons I love the name so much are 1) it’s pretty uncommon. I’ve only ever met one other Annabella in my life and 2) there are a ton of nicknames for it! My friends call me Annie or A, my family usually calls me Bells or Belle, but any girl named Annabella could also choose from Anna, Ann, Bella, Ella, or Ellie! There are plenty of opportunities to really make the name your own!
I love this name! It is very pretty and unique! There are also a ton of nicknames for it:
EllieI know there is probably even more.
A bit over the top but it's much better than Christabella.
As someone who is named Annabella, I must say that this name is very beautiful. You don't meet a lot of us, which I think adds more beauty to the name. I used to hate my name, but now I love it. There are so many possible nicknames to choose from. Each Annabella can pick from Anna, Ann, Annie, Bella or Belle. There are probably so many other possibilities but I find that these are the most common. It's much different from Annabelle, which has a certain harshness to it, but Annabella has a much smoother sound to it.
I love this name so much & used to wish so much it was mine. It's gorgeous, glamorous & unforgettable.
I truly believe that this is the most beautiful name that has ever existed; thus far. But, I am biased because I named my daughter Annabella. I did find an alternate meaning from a website that had content that sounded ancient. The website stated that Annabella also means "mercy." Who knows, maybe it does?
Though I don't understand this "Bella" trend, I do like this name.
One of the great things about this name is there are so many appropriate nicknames for it : Ann, Anna, Annie, Bella, and Belle.
I think this name is really gorgeous for a beautiful little girl. It sounds better than Annabelle, it sounds more beautiful this way, in my opinion.
Isabella is just as frilly as Annabella. Except Annabella is WAY prettier. And not to mention Annabella means grace, beautiful. Sounds softer and gentler than Isabella. More graceful sounding, beautiful! I'm thinking about this name for my daughter.
I think it's too frilly. It's still a fairly nice name though.
I like this much better than Annabelle/Annabel. It has much more personality with "a" instead of the "e" at the end, and it is quite pretty.

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