My name is Aniela, pronounced like a contraction of the names Annie and Ella and/or an-yell-ah. I have a very love-hate relationship with this name. I like it, and it sounds nice and has a nice meaning, far more unique than just naming your child Angela or Angel (though those names aren't bad either). However, I would recommend seriously thinking about it before naming your daughter this. They'll have to be prepared for countless mispronunciations, both purposeful and accidental, and even being made fun of for correcting said mispronunciations (Because kids are assholes, whether you want to believe it or not, something you should always remember when naming your child - especially if it's an uncommon name). Having this as my name has done nothing but frustrate me over the years, all the good parts have been lost to the annoyance that is constantly correcting people who don't even care to get it right. Thus, I sometimes go by Anie instead, and only use Ary/Arya online, as my middle name is Aryana and far less likely to require correction. Good name, just be wary. Correcting people all the time is way more frustrating than people seem to realise and your child could end up hating her name because of it.
I love it! I listened to The Jungle by Upton Sinclair on tape once, and I kept hearing the narrator say this name. And I could never figure out what he was saying. All I knew is that it sounded beautiful, whatever it was. Only when I used the random name generator did I find this name, and then it finally made sense! In the book, they spell it 'Aniele' and the narrator pronounces it 'on-YAY-lah', and this to me sounds much more unique than 'ON-yeh-lah', which is way too close to 'Angela' for me. Never was a fan of that name, but my husband and I really like Aniele, with the emphasis on the second syllable.