My middle name is Angharad and my first name is Soumiya. Being half Algererian and half Welsh living in Algeria, everyone in Algeria thinks that it's Bulgarian or some kind of Eastern European name but when I tell them it's Welsh they don't even know what it is. But I love it and my Welsh origins even though no one can pronounce it.
Anchoret is a much prettier variation. Many Christian saints were anchorites who removed themselves from the world to focus on their spirituality. I think Anchoret Bliss or Anchoret Lux would be beautiful.
― Anonymous User 3/17/2014
This was almost my mother's name, but in a German Lutheran family it didn't go over very well. I love this name, but I too have found that a lot of people can't pronounce it right. It's ahng-HAR-ad. I know a family that pronounces it ANG-guh-herd - ughhh!
Love this name! It's my best friend's sister's name. She often goes by "Angie" (pronounced AN-jee), so there's a possible nickname; it is a bit ponderous for everyday usage at full-length, though very pretty.
This is my name and I used to hate it but now I love it. It's unique and as I live in Essex there is no-one else I know who has the same name! However there is no known nickname to shorten it and I get so angry when people can't say it right, it's said how it's spelt ang-ha-rad.
One of my friends is called Angharad, but everyone shortens it to Anga (pronounced as spelt!) so I think I've found a solution to your nickname problem.
― Anonymous User 10/24/2006
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