It's actually hard to say how this name should be pronounced in Polish. Linguists advise that Angel- names should be pronounced with a G as in Gabriel, so it'd be AHN-gel. However, most Polish Angelikas and Angelas pronounce their names with a j (ahn-je-LEE-kah/ahn-JE-lah). Then on the other hand this name came to Poland most likely from the Anglophone world, so perhaps it should be pronounced just like in English. Only most Polish people (at least most Polish people I know and have heard pronouncing this word) do not pronounce it like AYN-jəl when speaking English, but rather something like EN-jel. I don't know any Polish Angels, so I have no idea how they pronounce their name. Or maybe all/most of them are also of some other descent. In any case, I think it's slightly confusing.
― Anonymous User 4/27/2020
Angel is not pronounced Un-hell in Spanish. It's pronounced Ahn-hel. It's spelled with an "a" and in Spanish that "a" is pronounced ah. This is my younger brother's name and being American they always assume he's female.
The Bulgarian word "angel" means "angel" in English, but in Bulgarian "angel" and "Angel" are pronounced [angel], where [a] is pronounced [a], not [ei], [g] is pronounced [g], not [dj] or [j], [e] is pronounced [e] and the stress falls on the [a].