Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My cousin (female), full name Andrea, always went by Andy growing up, later changing the spelling to Andie but still pronouncing it the same. She still uses the nickname even as an adult in her 20s and it fits her perfectly. No one has ever made fun of her for going by it. I'm not sure why there's so many weird takes on the name here, it works really well for either gender in my opinion.
Kind of dated but it's still nice.
I HATE, HATE, HATE Andy as a diminutive for Andrea (use Drea instead!). However, it's a great nickname for Andrew, and a LOT better than the ugly Drew. I wouldn't use this as a full name, though.
It's a nice nickname for both boys and girls, but sounds rather childish as a given name. I do prefer this to Drew, though.
Why is it a unisex name? There is no girl name Andy but I do like the name, it’s nice for a boy.
I've considered going by Andy myself, either as a nickname or simply as a pseudonym (my given name is Eleanor, which I like too much to fully relinquish). It gives off "trickster street rat"-type vibes, which makes it very good, but not especially versatile. It's the kind of name one acquires in life, not the kind written on a birth certificate. I quite like it for a female or nonbinary person. I may never call myself Andy, but I'm definitely going to use it for a character.
I prefer Drew.
This is a trashy, childish and immature nickname. Please don't give your kid this as a full name, or even a nickname. He just won't be taken seriously.
In my opinion this is a childish name. You must be really dumb if you name your kid this.
I like this name only if it's short for Andrew, it seems incomplete on its own.
Only good as a nickname for Andrew or a similar name on males. And for Andrea on females, although I'd much prefer Annie for a girl.
I like this name- but only as a nickname. This was my dad's nickname although his name was Anthony, not Andrew.
Good for a guy, meh for a girl, it's much better than Drew at least.
I much prefer Drew as a nickname for Andrew. But oh well, it's not up to me to decide what people choose as their nicknames.
I MUCH prefer this nickname to Drew, but I wouldn't use this form as the actual name, but opt for Andrew instead. As a real name, this name is not quite serious and mature enough, but it's a nice nickname.
I think this name is ok for dudes. Only on some though!
Cute name for a boy, but really good for girls too (when short for Andrea.)
Andy is the name of Anne Hathaway's charecter in the movie "The Devil Wears Prada."
The name Andy is for little kids and grown men that act like little kids. Personally I think anyone who goes by the name of Andy should be slapped on sight.

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