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Comments (Pronunciation Only)

There are actually two pronunciations for André in the Dutch-speaking world; which one you hear, largely depends on the area where you are. In addition to the one you have already listed, the other pronunciation is:/'ɑn.dre:/ [noted -ed]As you can see, the only difference here is that the stress is placed on the first syllable (comparable to Andries). This is typical of the central-west of the Netherlands, which is the most populous part of the country. It's also where the vast majority of television and radio is produced, so this pronunciation gets a lot of exposure nationally. This effect is further strengthened by Dutch celebrities from this region, such as comedian André van Duin (b. 1947) and singer André Hazes (1951-2004).Outside the central-west, particularly in the south of the Netherlands, people are much more likely to place the stress on the second syllable, which is also more in line with the traditional French pronunciation of the name. This is not surprising, as historically the south was exposed to the French language and culture to a greater degree than the rest of the country.With that said, here are some audio and video clips of André with the stress on the first syllable:é/nl/ (in Dutch) (in Dutch; the name is said at 0:09) (in Dutch; the name is said most clearly at 0:17) (in Dutch; the name is said at 0:28) (in Dutch; the name is said most clearly at 3:51 and 4:21 and 4:30 and 4:36)

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