Italian pronunciation:Ah-Meyh-Ree-Goh"A" is said softly as in "Father." The "E" in "Me" creates a sound near to "May," but slightly altered, and short. Roll your "R." Remember to stress "I" to "EE." As an "O" immediately follows the "G" in "Go," it is hard (example being "Got," "Goat," "Girl.") "O" is a usual, "Oh." [noted -ed]
"A" is said softly as in "Father." The "E" in "Me" creates a sound near to "May," but slightly altered, and short. Roll your "R." Remember to stress "I" to "EE." As an "O" immediately follows the "G" in "Go," it is hard (example being "Got," "Goat," "Girl.") "O" is a usual, "Oh." [noted -ed]