Only exorbitant "patriotic" Republicans would name their child America. It sounds nice, sure. But it's a bit weird.
― Anonymous User 11/14/2024
I find these comments very funny, especially because my name is America. It's not as bad as people think, people love my name, I get a lot of compliments, sometimes weird comments, but people get used to it. I am used to people saying weird stuff about it, or funny nicknames like Amerigo, or 'Merica, some people call me by my middle name which I do not mind either. I was on somebodys story on Snapchat my first year of high school, because my ENTIRE name is so American. I am not going to doxx myself because people are smart and scary, but I will tell you that my last name is extremely American, especially if you live in America. It is pretty cool having such a unique name, I prefer it over something basic like Gabby, Olivia, or Anna or Abigail stuff like that. People think that whoever names people like this are extremely patriotic, well my parents aren't. My dad doesn't care for this country, my mother named me this yet she was born in Afghanistan. She named me this because she believes it is an extremely strong name, and it is. I barely meet people who forget about my name, because it isn't so common. She wants me to be something big, somebody that people will know, or strong. That is why she named me this way.
― Anonymous User 5/9/2024, edited 5/9/2024
The name is fine just please don't name your child this for patriotic reasons it's kind of weird and can enforce stereotypes.
Okay, I admit I used to ADORE this name because this is the name of one of the main characters in one of my favourite book series, but now I think it's totally ridiculous to name your kid this. I can't believe that there are way over 1000 people in the US with this name. It's even worse than naming your kid London and living in England.
Sounds like the name of an illegal immigrant or their daughter who's desperately trying to fit in and get a green card.
― Anonymous User 5/14/2023
It's definitely bold considering how divided people’s opinions are about the U.S. One half of the country thinks with logic and the other are extremely ungrateful and not interested in facts but bending the truth. Back to the name, I’ve met plenty of immigrant parents who become citizens and use this as their child’s name. I think people in America forget how privileged they are as a whole compared to countries like Cuba or countries in Africa. Although I wouldn’t name a kid after any country, I would suggest Erica instead. (and America does sound pretty if it wasn’t a country’s name. -forgot to mention that.)
I once took a class with a Mexican whose forenames were Luz América, used together. It was so euphonious that it left an indelible impression on my mind.
― Anonymous User 7/4/2022, edited 7/4/2022
Love the nickname Erica.
― Anonymous User 2/24/2022
Golly, you guys are negative. I'm guessing that parents who are patriotic would name their child this, and I think that this name signalizes strength and courage and all the other American values, which is why it's not bad to me. It's quite nice!P.S, you guys must be fast typers or something because America is NOT a continent!
― Anonymous User 2/22/2022
This is where I live LOL. I didn’t know that America could be a name! :)
I'm an American, from the United States. South eastern U.S. specifically. I think we need to make a few changes, though. I like living in America, but there is a lot of stuff that should change. Racism, Homophobia (omg, it took FOREVER for us to have rights. Marriage was made legal in 2015. I'm lucky to be in the generation where it is more accepted. There is a LOT of homophobia, still. It's very noticeable, especially where I am), Transphobia, Poverty, and much more. I wouldn't say the The United States as a whole is a mess, there are a lot of good things about it. We have freedom of speech, freedom to vote for our leaders, a trial before a jury if you commit a crime, and much more. There are a lot of places that don't have that. We do have a lot of unresolved issues, but we're getting there. If anything, we're progressing more than other places. However, we have work to do. I'm proud to be an American and I'm not ashamed to be called an American.As a name though, I find it kind of weird. Patriotism is nice, but...idk. I find it weird because I am an American. If it weren't the name of my continent, I would like it more.
Well, as an American (born/from the USA), I'm naturally very patriotic. The 4th of July (also known as Independence Day) has always been one of my favorite holidays, and I have so many wonderful memories that are still in my heart of celebrating that day with my family. I've owned lots of things (shirts, swimsuits, shoes, sunglasses, etc.) with the design of the American flag on them. I've listened to countless patriotic songs and have watched several patriotic movies that I still consider classic favorites today.Of course, the United States of America has many flaws and imperfections, but so does every other country. No one's perfect. But America has always been (and, for the most part, still is) a country that people admire, respect and love. That's why they call living here the “American dream”. Americans are known for their strength, bravery and resilience. We fight for what's right, and we don't stop until we achieve justice. We make our lives seen and our voices heard.With all of that being said, I do think that America would make for a beautiful name for a person, male or female. It's a beautiful name that represents integrity, courage, resilience and strength.Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read all of this. I appreciate it, as it means a lot to me.
I think this is a really beautiful and strong name! It feels something similar to Erica, both good names. I like this name and people who have this name should be proud of it! South America and North America are beautiful continents, a lot of beauty to be proud about!
Too bad there is so much hatred towards this name because some people think it’s only the name of a country or continent!One of my coworkers is named America and the name has grown on me. Years ago when my friend said she if she had a daughter she would name her America, I thought that was weird, but acceptable since you could call her Amy or Erica instead, but now I like the name America. Now I would consider naming my daughter America (or twin girls Amy and Erica haha). I’m proud to be an American and so is my husband who is an immigrant and earned his citizenship. Plus the name just sounds nice. I know most people with this name are of Spanish heritage, but that is no reason to turn down this name. I have a Spanish first name though I’m not Spanish.
Uh...Yeah, no. I'm not American, so I don't think I would use this name. It doesn't sound bad though, it reminds me of Erika or Erica. If you're an American and you're considering this, why not Erica or Erika?
I personally LOVE the name I had a girlfriend with the name and she was proud no matter what! (sorry to all those people who feel hurt because other people are jerks) So if you're thinking of a unique name this should be a GREAT candidate. :) #BEPROUD!
Wow, okay. First off, please turn down the negativity. Having an opinion is fine but please be more respectful, enough with the hate comments. That being said here is my opinion: I love this name! It’s super cute and pretty, also it ages well. And I don’t think you have to be ridiculously patriotic to name your daughter this, you can like a name just to LIKE A NAME, okay? Do you have to be a gardener to name your kid Rose? Do you have to be a weather reporter to name your kid Sunny or Rain? An arborist to have Willow? No! And I think everyone with the name America should be proud of it!
I'm not fond of many country names (Chad is alright because it's also a separate name) and while this one is very pretty I wouldn't use it on a real person.
I like this name. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. The Americas were named after a guy called Americono. It was a name before it was a country. You could call her Ami or Erica. I don’t get all of the negativity.
― Anonymous User 7/15/2019
I think it's just plain dumb to name someone after a country you live in.
― Anonymous User 6/30/2019
No, just no. Nobody has the right to put others down because of a name. I understand that people have a right to their opinions, but there is a difference between being rude, and being someone who politely disagrees. I was born with the name America (my first name) Rose (my middle name). I was bullied for fifteen years over it and had gone by Ami all that time. When I turned sixteen, I decided to go by my real name and wear it with pride. Seriously though, how cool is it to say you literally know "America"? I went most of my life hating it because my mother had most likely given it to me while she was drunk. I never got to ask. But my name is the only thing I have left of my family, and I'm proud.
Ouch. My name is America and these comments are seriously bringing down my mood. Everyone I come into contact with loves my name and loves to joke around with me about it, but wow, I never knew so many people disliked it.
Well, my name is America and I honestly have no problem with it. People usually mistake it for Amanda when I say it. I’ve never meant anyone else with my name so seeing these comments well some of them are cool.. obviously there will be people that love or hate it.. it’s definitely different but nobody ever forgets you. You also have cool nicknames like Merica, Mercie, Merri, Captain America etc. I don't really care if people don’t like my name, I just think it’s funny- telling people and seeing their reactions are priceless. One thing that I hate is that I have no name definition in the urban dictionary like my friend's SMH.
― Anonymous User 6/22/2018
It's cute, and not 'cutesy' cute (like Kayla and co.) It's character-only, for me. Though I am American (as in, from the US) it would be weird to have this name, even to us in the south, haha.
A lovely name. Oddly, I don't see it as tacky at all. In fact, I might use this for a child someday. Nicknames are Amy, Meri, Rica, and Erica. See my comment on given name Brooklyn.
― Anonymous User 11/22/2017
I'm a very patriotic guy, but even I can understand how potentially bad an idea this name is, even if I actually kind of like it. "Hello, madam. We'd like to understand you more to see if you'd be right for our company. To start, what's your name?""America McConnell."It sounds to me like the name of a stripper, but I can at least understand where the name comes from.
I honestly love the name. I think it's very beautiful and it gives me the impression of someone who is strong and independent just like the country itself. But, of course I'm a bit biased because I love the character America from Kiera Cass's The Selection Series.
I hate this name. By that logic, I should name my children United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Oceania!
― Anonymous User 10/16/2015
I'm a citizen of the country and even I must admit that it's absolutely tacky and dumb as a name.America doesn't even sound like a name of person. It should just stay in use as the country only.If you wish to encorporate 'America' in your child's name, try other locations which are within the country.
― Anonymous User 9/18/2015
I think that America is such a beautiful name. I would defiantly name my daughter America without hesitation. America was a very popular name during the 1800s. America is also the main character in the selection series by Keira Cass- her parents named her that because she was a fighter. The name America has much more meaning to it than just being a patriotic name, after all it was a name before it was a country.
I have been reading all the comments... and it really hurts a lot. My name is America. I'm Spanish and live in the U.S. It's true that people will always talk down about that name, but it's really depressing. I want to change my name or otherwise I might do something to myself if I keep hearing crap from bullies at school, social media, including this site. America is my mother's middle name and my (he is 97yrs) uncle's name is Amerigo Vespucci. My mother got the name America because her mother always wanted to live in the U.S. (American dream) I'm not named after a soccer team, or just patriotism, but after a dream to become successful in life. Bearing this strong name is difficult and attracts too much attention, and when people hear your name they think that it's actually Erica (Erika), they will call you names like Asia, Mexico, California, or other places. Some people say that it's a beautiful name, others think it's a joke, when I cross the border from Mexico to U.S. the police officers (people in charge there) will look at you with a strange face. "And why is your name America?" They will ask either to me or my mother, "Is that your real name?" " You are insulting our country" I know America is not only U.S. and it's common in south-middle America but it's really hard when I present my name in front of people.
My middle name is America and pretty much everyone has called me that my whole life. I didn't know almost every one thought it was such a horrible name! I guess it makes it even worse that I'm American as well :( Sure, a lot of times I get insecure about it when people crack a joke at it, or act like they misheard it and say Erica instead. I've always thought I was awesome but from what people are saying I guess it's not as "unique in a good way" as I thought. My mom got the idea for the name from 9/11 because my mom, father and brother were there the night before it happened. And I really don't like my first name "shrugs".
I LOVE this name. I am 16 weeks prego! So exciting! I've stayed up all night trying to pick a girls name that I will instantly fall in love with. America... If you guys could just look at it as a name, you'll see that the way it sounds and is spelled is so beautiful. I'm an American. I love fries and a big-Mac. Pound of it. But I'm not patriotic whatsoever! I just really love that name. And plus CANADUH is an ugly ass name, lol that's why their people get made fun of. Now I'm only dissing the name Canada, not the place or the people but c'mon. That's why nobody's named Canada, lol.
Not to diss my own country but America as someone's legit name is utterly ridiculous and tacky. A lot of place names don't work. America has no exceptions. It's just cheesy and way too patriotic if you ask me.
― Anonymous User 9/5/2014
Yes, I agree with most of the people here that this name is too tacky, but I don't really have a problem with the fact that a lot of Americans name their kids like this. They love their country, it's ok, lucky them. And altough I dislike the formal form, Rica would be a great, playful, exotic sounding nickname.
A bit patriotic for my taste, but if you factor out the fact it's a continent, America is a pretty name. I wasn't surprised to see it was popular back then. They named their kids things like that.
Think of any country in this world other than America. Do you know anyone there who named their kids after that country? Didn't think so. So why name your kid America, especially if you're American?
How it sounds: Pretty. Uniqueness: 10/10 Negative factors: Probably going to be made fun of, sorry, I'm not trying to be mean. Its kind of silly that people hate this name but think names like Paris are fine. Sigh. ~Peace.
I live in Canada and no one names their kids Canada. It's really silly to name your child America, even for the respect of your country. Anyways, America sounds blah. If you want to name your kid after a place pick Ireland or Sierra!
I'm a proud American and I would have no problem naming my child America. I think it makes a beautiful name! United States FTW!
― Anonymous User 12/17/2011
Oh please, Amerigo was a name, they just put a ca at the end. It's not that bad people.
― Anonymous User 12/6/2011
Alright, alright, stop bashing America! I mean, I wouldn't name my kid America, but it is cute! I love my country. I'm American. I don't bash the girls named Paris or London, do I? Not all Americans are snobs. Get over it.Go America!
The name America is not bad! It's very common in Mexico. My name is America & I love it. Of course I've gotten picked on before, but believe me it's not that bad I mean you can't forget it. I've never had the problem of someone not remembering my name. I think it's unique & I've always gotten compliments on it.
― Anonymous User 3/17/2011
It's an odd thing for parents to name their child after a country. America makes me think the parents were either trailer park residents, teenagers, or even racists who believe Americans are superior to the rest of the world. I recommend picking something else.
America, in my opinion, seems more doable as a person's name than, say, Montana or Dakota. It's pretty, and it was a name before it was the name of the continent, but I guess the association with the United States puts people off.
Seriously, there are more practicable and less silly ways to show your patriotism than by naming your child after the country/continent. It does not sound like a person's name at all, and I can't picture it paired with a last name.
Too patriotic. Imagine if America's birthday was July 4th.
― Anonymous User 7/23/2009
Overly-freaking-patriotic. It's tacky anywhere, but outside of America, you're going to hear a lot of rude comments. By the way, yes, I really like America, and am a citizen.
Wow, some serious country-bashing going on. I'm not American, I'm Canadian, but honestly, stop bashing America. You're sounding ridiculous and you're not "cool".Well, America's a nice country and all, but I wouldn't name my kid after it. Too much association. And they won't even be American, most likely.
Wow, comments about this name are incredibly Anti-American and wreak of discontent and hatred. I have actually never met an American native (within the country for atleast one generation) name their child America, I have however heard of immigrants (legal and illegal) using this name for their first child born in America. So, the previous comments about how horrible Americans are for naming their children this are really ignorant and I would even go as far as to say racist. When it comes down to it, it really is just an alternate spelling of Amerigo (Vespucci), of which the Americas were named after.
― Anonymous User 3/12/2009
I don't think I've read a list of comments more adamantly against a name on this website than these about "America." While I'd never name my child this, I think it's a pretty name. And, contrast to what most of these comments say, I don't think one has to be REALLY REALLY REALLY patriotic to name their child this. I'm an American and I'd name my child Russia but I'm not a giant fan of the country or anything (though it seems cool).
― Anonymous User 1/12/2009
Okay, I know most Americans are incredibly patriotic. But this is just taking it a bit too far.
― Anonymous User 11/15/2008
It's Erica without the AM. I think it's a beautiful name and I love this land. Plus I love the name Erica and that's a bonus. God Bless America!
I disagree with all of you. If you don't name EVERY SINGLE ONE of your children America and give them the middle name of an American pop culture item, the terrorists will win! That's why my kids will be named America Big-Mac, America Baseball, and America Mickey Mouse Club. Because I love America.
This name is ... wow. I love my country, but seriously. Who's gonna name their kid after the country they live in?!? It doesn't even SOUND like a normal name. It sounds like some parents were trying to be "different" and gave the poor kid the name of a country (actually 2 continents, but when most here America, they think of the U.S A). I highly doubt people outside America use this name because it sounds stupid. It's quite like naming a kid Poland or Ukraine or Slovakia. Now don't those sound silly?
This name is absolutely horrific, especially if one lives in America. Yes, it was used as a name in early Italy as a feminine form of "Amerigo," and yes, it is common in the Latino world, but this does not change the fact that it's a vulgar name.
I guess when condsidering the name think about all that stuff that happened above me. What if you move countries? Will the name be liked there? What if your child gets married and moves to anther country far away will she like it?
I absoulutely, positively LOVE the name America! I would die to be American AND to bear that name - although it would be a dream come true if I was FRENCH-ICELANDIC-AMERICAN!
Being American isn't really that cool and I can only imagine how horrible it would be to be actually named America. I would hate it if my name was America and would change it IMMEDIATELY.
A women I found in my family while doing genealogy was named America, and I'd never thought about it as a name before, but I think it's very beautiful now. The sound and look of the name are both pretty, and it's not terrible to name a child after a country/continent, any more than it is to name them after a city or state. Also, this name isn't used very often, either.
OK, I would never use this name and I really dislike it, but hey, America is not a country (it's a continent) - the country is called The United States of America - and the name isn't very uncommon in Latin America. Plus, Canada IS used as a name (although it's rare).
Ever wonder why Canadian girls aren't being named Canada? Because their parents aren't as stupid as those living in the United States! Surely they bare the popular names Sarah, Isabelle, Jessica and Hailey - but, ever wonder why there aren't any Nevaehs or Princesses, Uniques, Flowers, Kolours, Comforts or Liberties?! Well, I could just sit here and palaver here in my exaggerated, business woman vocabulary, incoherintly and completely inconsequentially, or I can go crazy! I mean, COME ON! It's your child that we're talking about here. *Bangs head against keyboard*
I agree this IS going WAY too far! However, the United States of America is only one part of America. Please don't forget that this name is borne by two continents.
― Anonymous User 7/25/2006
Sounds more like something you might name your pet rather than your child.
― Anonymous User 6/29/2006
This is the most ridiculous name I've ever heard. I doubt anyone outside the USA uses it, either, so that just makes it all the more tacky. It's even worse than flag-patterned clothing, and that's saying a lot.
― Anonymous User 6/14/2006
This is such a tacky name for someone if you live in America! If it is pronouned "ahm-air-EE-ka", the Spanish way, that is a different matter.