My name actually is Alyse, and it is pernounced uh-leese. My mother always told me it was a form of Alice, so this is right when it comes to that. I completely understand what it is like to have people calling you other names like Alys, Alice, Alicia, Allyssa, Elise, Elyse, Allison, pronounce it Ay-Leese. All of that. I personally have always loved my name because I think it is good for everyone to be unique.
My daughter's name is Haley Alyse. When I was in school I knew a girl with the middle name Alyse and I have always loved it and thought of this name as beautiful, soft and feminine. It is pronounced Uh-Leese. I was surprised to see it attached to Alice because over the past several months I have taken more interest in names and on my name board (full of naming enthusiasts) they always associate it with Elise. Another variation is Elyse. In any event it is a lovely name. Blessings.
This is my name. When I was younger I hated it because there are no nicknames that stick & people were always calling me Alyssa, Alice, Elice. But now I love it, I love how original it is and I get compliments all the time.