The correct Italian pronunciation:Ahl-VEE-zay"A" is always pronounced softly, as in "Father". The "I" after "V" (vi) must be stressed into an "EE", as in "Tea", sharply (never slurred). If there is an "S" followed both in front and behind with a vowel, it creates "Z". The final bit "Se" equals "Zay". "E" much like "Pen". [noted -ed]
"A" is always pronounced softly, as in "Father". The "I" after "V" (vi) must be stressed into an "EE", as in "Tea", sharply (never slurred). If there is an "S" followed both in front and behind with a vowel, it creates "Z". The final bit "Se" equals "Zay". "E" much like "Pen". [noted -ed]