I think it's a charming name, and while it may not fit a small child very well, it certainly suits an adult, as it is a refined-sounding word. Also, it's kinda funny/cute that the nickname is Algy, somewhat pronounced like "algae." If you're a nerd, please name your child this.
I like this name. I like the way it feels to say the name. It always reminds me of the wonderful book, Flowers for Algernon. But I wouldn't give the name to my child.
― Anonymous User 9/12/2018
Interesting name. I don't really like that it's a nickname meaning having a mustache though. That entomology is a bit simple I guess.
I secretly adore this name, though I know I'll never get away with using it on a child. However, because I'm a writer, I can use it on a character. I wish someone else would have the chutzpah to name their child Algernon. If I ever encountered someone with this name, I would be happy for a month!
― Anonymous User 7/26/2010
The only reason why I think this name is interesting is the meaning.
― Anonymous User 9/6/2009
Sounds very Arabic to me. You know, Algebra, Algeria, Algernon.
Oh my god. Algy is the perfect name for the child of a lit professor and a marine biologist. It's so cute and odd and quirky and natural. Though naming your child after a lab rat requires a somewhat twisted sense of humor. Every child is an experiment.On another note, in Harry Potter, Neville has a Great Uncle Algie (brother of Augusta?). Who I think threw him out of a window.
― Anonymous User 7/27/2009
I love this name! It rolls off the tongue so nicely, it has an entertaining meaning, and I love the character Algernon in The Importance of Being Earnest. However, I also feel this name sounds a little pretentious and I have a feeling the boy would just be called Al which I hate.
When I hear "Algernon" I think of the Argo (the Greek ship). It may be a Norman name, but it sounds rather Greek to me. It would probably get some odd looks as a first name, and could seem out of place on a teenager or child. But it could be a really good middle name.
― Anonymous User 9/13/2007
When I first encountered this name, I thought the g was pronounced like in goat. But then I found out it's pronounced like a j. I prefer the first way better.
Dunno why I associate it with dragon.