Comments (Personal Impression Only)

If you think this name is feminine you're wrong.
Also, I prefer it when it's transcripted Aleksey. Oleksiy is also a nice name.
I like this because of Stranger Things πŸ˜….
I like this name because of Alex(e)i Laiho from Children of Bodom!
Simple yet exotic. I agree with one of the above commentators, it has a mystic twang to it.
I think that this could work out in an English-speaking country as a good alternative to Alex/Alexander.
Please don’t use this for girls. It’s a handsome, historic, manly Russian name.
I like it, it just seems a little hard to pronounce!
I can only see it on a Russian person, and the pronunciation bothers me... uh-lex-eye? Uh-lek-sey?
This is more like a feminine name to me. Is it the I, or what? Aleskey is better.
I'm not sure why it seems feminine to you, but in Russia, this is a strictly masculine name. It ends in a consonant (-ΠΉ), and is, therefore, masculine. As for my impression of the name, I like it. Not much because of its association with the last tsarevich of Russia (he was apparently very bratty, as he was babied due to his position in the imperial family and his hemophilia), but simply because it's nice sounding. Never liked Alexander or Alex, but this is very nice.
I love this name very much because I love Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov.
I met a Scottish man with this name. Quirky. I love it, it's a great alternative to Alexander or Alex. I prefer this spelling to Aleksey, not sure why.
This name is so great, but the association with the haemophillic boy who died is very strong. I love this name because I love that story of the Romanovs.
I actually I really like this name, it sounds better then Alexander or Alex and it has a bit of a mystical thing around it.

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