Etymology of the name Alexandra and Alexander from Ancient Greek means two things: a) the protector of man in battle and b) healer-high priestess. I am named Alexandra and was blessed to have an Ancient Greek literature teacher in the family which he made sure to provide with the meaning of my name. For Ancient Greeks the name holds future potential for the infant thus they made sure to provide with the appropiate one or name it under a name which was in favour of a specific God or Goddess in order to favour the child to his/her life. Alexander the Great was named by his mother Olympiada accordingly as not only she claimed that he was a "son" of Zeus but also as it was foretold he was to have a future full of military stuggle and dominance thus a name like that could come quite handy.
My second name is "Sandra", the German short version of "Alexandra". As far as I have heard it is the feminine form of "the strong man" or "the man who strikes back" ("andros" = "man" and "alex..." = "strong/defensive").